Your POV:
I have been hunting animals since I was 18, and during all this time I have managed to get a lot of trophies. I had a rule, that I would never hunt endangered animals, which slightly lowered my possibilities, but I never broke it. However, regular hunting can become boring after some time, so I decided to find myself a different target.Thanks to my friend, who was working as an MTF for the SCP Foundation, I got a job as an SCP Hunter, and my job was simple. Help Mobile Task Forces re-contain SCPs. I wasn't allowed to kill them, and had to use tranqulizers to do that. It was fun and dangerous, but it also became boring after some time.
Luckily, our squad got a mission to contain a group of SCP-939s, and since there were too many of them to capture, I was allowed to go there first and kill some of them before my squad arrives. This was probably the only chance I would ever get a head of an SCP on my wall, and I wasn't going to waste it.
I took few pistols, my regular hunting weapon, and went into the forest where 939s were hiding. I tried to be quiet, and after some time I found a perfect hiding spot. I lied on the ground and aimed at the cave, waiting for one of them to leave.
I had a silencer, which would allow me to kill few of them before others notice anything. My shots had to be precise, because if one of them groaned in pain, others would immidiately find me.
In order to protect my life I also had cameras around me, through which I was able to spot any danger approaching me and react immidiately. However, despite all of that it was still extremely risky and I was wondering, if I should abandon my quest and wait for my team.
After fighting with myself for few minutes, I have decided to keep going, and shortly after that I have spotted three 939s leaving the cave. They split up shortly after I noticed them, and went in three different directions. I waited for them to go a bit further, and shot one of them in the head.
His body fell on the ground, which made the remaining two stop for a moment. I used that time to execute another one, unfortunataly this time the third one realised and immidiately ran back into the cave. I tried to quickly kill him, but I missed and had to watch him enter his home to warn his friends.
From one hand it was good for my squad, because they wouldn't have to worry about 939s behind their backs, but on the other hand it was way harder to contain a huge group of SCPs in one place than if they were separated.
However I quickly realised that all 939s left the cave and they were all searching for me. I tried to slowly go back but stepped on a stick and revealed my position to all of them. I quickly began running away, praying to get out of this situation alive. I pulled out my radio and screamed:
You: I need back-up, all 939s are running after me!
MTF: Tell us your current position.
You: I am in the goddamn forest, I have no clue where I am!
MTF: Tell us any distinctive features around you.
You: Trees, moss, rocks, sticks and leaves!
MTF: ... Tell me if you find anything unique, because we have no idea where you are.
I tried to find something different from others, but it was hard to spot anything while angry 939s were running after you. Luckily, I quickly found a massive, old tree on my way.
You: The only thing I have found was a massive tree.
MTF: You are in the eastern part of this forest then. Keep running, we will try to find you before you get eaten.
You: And what if you guys fail to find me?!
MTF: Then we will pay for your funeral.
You: And that's it?!
MTF: You are the one who wanted to do this, you can only blame yourself if you die.
I ignored the last message and tried to keep running, but instead I tripped on a rock and fell on the ground. I quickly got up and began running away, but my legs hurt terribly and 939s were getting dangerously close. When I thought that I will get bitten, I heard shots and saw MTFs shooting at 939s.
SCPs tried to split, but there was nothing they could do. Our squad kept shooting, while I ran out of the forest and grabbed some water. I was tired, but alive, so I couldn't complain. Having drunk enough water, I went to the rest of my group and continued my hunting. The mission has to be done after all.

Scp x Reader One Shots
FanfictionRequests are now closed, but you can still read one-shots, which were suggested by other people. I think most of the popular SCPs were used in here, but there are also stories with some less known objects, so many people should be able to find somet...