Chapter 21

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TYL Lambo activated his helmet just in time the debris reached them.

"Lambo-san, what's going on?" Arthur asked.

"We discovered that there's a mole in your clan. Ida's father asked me to protect you two."

"Why would they side with--?!" Idalia cut her sentence off as she felt that she was going insane.

"Ida, calm down!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Calm down?! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?! They... they betrayed father... that's... that's unforgiveable..."

"Ida," Lambo placed a hand on her shoulder, "Calm down, Reborn's doing his best  to figure out the whole truth."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because uncle trusts him."

"If a family member betrayed him, what makes you  think that he won't?!" Ida was about to attack Lambo when someone screamed.

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" Lambo left his helmet's protection as he rushed towards Gokudera's voice.

When he opened the door he saw their squad holding a familiar figure. At the sight of the figure, the children were frozen.

"Your trust to him is quite strong isn't it, Solana reaper?" The traitor teased.

"Fakers like you should know their place," Reborn retorted.

"Ah, but they're the ones who made the deal. As long as they're in our lab the contract will never be broken. We switched identities after all~."

"Heh. so you're saying that once he's out of the lab, the contract will break? That's good then."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"My, my, you shouldn't underestimate the Vongola famiglia. Especially if it's the tenth boss who's missing," Reborn said, his last sentence filled with threat.

"How scary you--" The traitor was cut off by a surprise drop kick, "You bastard, aren't you breaking the rule that you made for this cove? if I remember it clearly its 'You are not allowed to battle with your clan, unless it is needed and is reasonable. However, it must not be done inside this place', why don't you be a good role model for the children, I am your brother after all."

His red eyes showed a flicker of blood lust when he spoke to his brother, "Ren, let me handle this useless piece of shit." Reborn only nodded in response

"If you do that, everyone in this cove will have no choice but to kill you, even your own son, brother dearest."

"First of all, you are not my brother. Victor doesn't call us brother, he calls us, his siblings, Annoyance #1 and #2.  Second of all, the contract's been broken. Take a look behind you," Claude gave out a light chuckle, "I may not have the title of the Solana reaper, but that doesn't mean I'm not insane enough to kill you," he added as he attacked the imposter.

After the fight (since this author can't write fight scenes [NL: I'm still trying to learn on how to do it ;-; ]), They heard a bomb ticking in the cove. They then decided to run out of the secret hideout. Once they were out of the old house and out to the abandoned garden of the estate, they approached the unconscious body of Victor Sinclair.

His older brothers tried to wake him up by shaking him but it failed. Giving up, the two played rock-paper-scissors which confused the others while Sinclair just sighed at the duo's childishness.

"I win," Reborn spoke as he was making a V-sign.

"Oh well, sucks to be the eldest," Claude sighed as he kicked the unconscious body. Everyone looked at him with disbelief.

Reborn is De-aged Once AgainWhere stories live. Discover now