Chapter 19

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"Thank you, I'll return this to you in less than 2 minutes."

"I suggest you all stay back. I'll handle this," Giotto ordered as he entered HDWM, noticeably, Tsuna's ring transformed back into its original form then the band slowly changed into that of a Hollyhock.

"Gio, can you really do this on your own?" Simon asked his friend, ready to take action, "His sun flames will make it harder for you to put him  down."

"It's been twenty years, Cozart, I know how to win against my own kin," Giotto replied, his last line spoken in Japanese which caught the attention of Asari and the tenth generation (apparently the younger Reborn was too busy with his own plots to catch Giotto's last words). 

Giotto then looked at his ring and sighed, "Tanegashima," slowly Tsuna's Vongola gear changed form into a matchlock gun with the Roman one and the Vongola crest was carved to the patch and gold carvings was elegantly carved all over the gun. At the sight of Giotto's gun everyone was stunned. 

' He's able to perform a cambio forma?! No aside from that, my Vongola gear changed. I guess that's the Ring of the Sky version X if Giotto-san owns it... but would that still be version X?' Tsuna shook his head, 'Baka! You shouldn't be thinking about silly things! We're in a difficult situation...'

Enma looked at Tsuna, 'I guess seeing his ancestor perform a cambio forma shook him... of course, even I'm surprised.'

'Kufufufu... seems like the title of Primo is no show.'

Unfazed, Neander formed a scythe out of sun flames. "Heh. Seems fun~ I wonder what kind of smile will you give me? I hope it won't be disappointing... die will you?" Neander spoke as he attacked Giotto.

As Neander lunged at Primo, two gunshots were heard. Immediately, Neander fell down and fell asleep. Blowing the smoke from the gun, Giotto exited HDWM and went up to Tsuna. He gave the matchlock to his descendant, as Tsuna took it, it regressed back into Tsuna's Vongola gear.

After an hour of praises and conversations, Neander woke up. He expected the group to be wary of him but was greeted by their lack of guard towards him.

"Aren't you guys, gonna kill me or somethin'?" He asked.

"We would but what you did was understandable. This place gives you unwanted memories right?" Giotto replied.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry. This was supposed to be a breather for you guys and my sanity just--"

"It's alright, after all your either the child of the second daughter or the household's heir right?" Giotto asked.

"Not really. I'm just an adoptive son of Miss Sinclair. She was killed by Lombardi before she found a lover," The older reaper replied.

The group then asked for Neander's backstory (refer to chap 13 if you forgot). By the time they finished, the moon was already hanging up the sky. They then decided to rest.

Around 12 midnight, Tsuna woke up and decided to take a walk outside. Reaching the supposed to be garden of the estate,  he saw Renato looking grim as if he was plotting something but is unsure of the outcome.

"Something about this mission just doesn't feel right... Vongola... ending... worth... What... mission..." He heard the man talking.

'No way, is Renato-san really the Solana Reaper?' Tsuna thought in disbelief as tears rolled down his face. Memories of Reborn made his crying session worse.

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