Chapter 26

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George POV:

I can feel the blush on my cheeks darken as we pull away from each other for the second time. I can't believe he just kissed me!

"Clay-" I exhale a short laugh. I can't seem to find the right words. I don't even know what I'm feeling right now, let alone express them through language.

I decide to hug him. I grab him and squeeze him as tight as I can. I feel like if I let go now, he won't be there when I open my eyes.

"I love you George." Clay whispers into my hair. I could cry. It feels like I've been waiting my whole life to hear him say that to me genuinely, even though I know he's meant it in the past.

"I love you too Clay." I hug him even tighter, if that's even possible. Before we even have anymore time to talk about what just happened, the ride is over.

I grab onto Clay's hand as he leads me down the ramp.

"Would you like to play some games for a prize?" He asks. His eyes look as if he's scheming something.

That actually seems like a fantastic idea. This way, if I win something, I'll be able to remember our first date forever!

I grin extra wide at him and tell him that it was a great idea. We go to the water shooting game first. The concept seems easy enough, but the actually process is 10 times more difficult.

I don't get enough points for anything, and neither does Dream. We decide to play the games in order of which ones we see first, so next up is the Duck Pond Fishing game.

The object of this one is to pick a lucky duck... literally. Each duck has a range of numbers underneath, and if it's the special number, you win a prize. Apparently the special number today is 8.

We both start fishing for our ducks, and I go for the bright blue one. It's the prettiest. Dream goes for a yellow(?) one and we both pick up our ducks at the same time.

"Okay let's flip them over at the same time, ready?" I ask.


"Okay, 3, 2, 1, FLIP!" We both excitedly flip over our ducks, and I got 27. I look over at Dream's duck and... 8! He won!

"CLAY- WHAT?? You won!" I yell in excitement, practically jumping up and down.

He has the biggest smile on his face and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, facing me towards the prize wall.

"Which one would you like?" He asks me.

The wall has all kinds of different stuffed animals. There's lions, tigers, bears-

"Oh my!" Dream exclaims, pointing at a big dragon plushie with tiny little wings, resembling a bee's.

"It's hot pink, George!" He says, excitement bursting in the words hot pink. I can't tell what color it is, but I'm sure it's adorable.

"I love it." I say.

The next thing I know, Clay and I are walking around the carnival holding the dragon together. I'm holding it's left hand and Clay is holding the right.

This is so peaceful. It's the most fun I've had in a long time. I look up at the sky and can see that it's getting dim. We must've been there for hours!

"Are you ready to go home?" Dream asks me.

"This was the most fun I've had in a long time, but yeah. I just want to take a shower and relax." I laugh.

"We should watch a movie together or something!" He suggests.

Honestly I kinda just wanted to lie down. I'm exhausted.

"Actually, do you think we could maybe cuddle again until I fall asleep? I'm really tired." I look up at him as we reach the parked car.

"That sounds perfect." He smiles at me.

So we went home and did just that. Cuddled until I fell asleep. I'm half asleep and I can feel Dream messing with my hair. I nuzzle into his chest even further and he just rubs my back and snuggles into me as well.

I don't deserve this man, he's so perfect.

710 words :)

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Goodnight <3

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