Sleep, Plan and Live through the Killzone

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(Sleeping Dog Reader X Winter pt. 2)

(Rwby X Sleeping Dogs/SPL: Killzone)

Y/n sat in his office, he popped a pill in his mouth and downed it with some coffee. It was a few days after Tyrian's arrest and with it, Y/n was able to rest easy, right now he was waiting for Winter to come back so they could celebrate in private. He heard the door open revealing Winter, he smiled as he got up from his chair.

Y/n: "Hey babe, are you ready to-"

He then saw Winter with a serious look, Y/n's face changes in a look of concern.

Y/n: "Are you alright?"

Winter: "We need to talk..."

Y/n just looked in curiosity.

Y/n: "Why the serious face? Tyrian is imprisoned and Mantle is safe"

Winter: "That's what I wanted to talk about"

Y/n: "About Mantle? What's there to talk about?"

Winter took a deep breath of nervousness.

Winter: "I need your force to leave this department and go to Atlas under General Ironwood's orders"

Y/n: "What? No no I'm not going to do that"

Winter: "Y/n just listen to me"

Y/n: "No no no, first you were determined to make Mantle a better place and now you're trying to take away the one thing that is protecting it. Winter, I don't know what's going on but I'm not abandoning my home"

Winter: "Listen here, you will either come willingly..."

Winter then unsheathed her sword, making Inspector Chen pull out his pistol.

Winter: "...or I will take you by force"

Y/n gripped the gun in his hands with betrayal in his heart.

Y/n: "So everything you said from wanting to protect Mantle, to protect and love me...was that just some damn lie?!"

Winter: "No! Y/n please leave this city! I want to save you Y/n!"

Y/n: " just want to follow orders"

Winter charged at the Inspector making Y/n unload at the Specialist.


A bulkhead flew into an Atlas compound, the Ace Ops and Winter entered to see soldiers and guards knocked unconscious.

Clover: "Ten guards and five elite soldiers all highly-trained...yet all of them were beaten..."

Winter: "Check if anything was stolen, I'll see what could've possibly entered here and done all this"

Clover nodded as the Ace Ops moved into the facility, Winter checked on the soldiers. She noticed the cracks on one of the soldier's armor, she then noticed another thing above one of those cracks.

Winter: "Bootprints, three bootprints..."


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