Lucky Robin, Bleeding Comeuppance

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(Kung Fu Jungle Reader X Robyn Hill)

(Rwby X Dead By Daylight)

(Hey guys, it's been a long while yeah? Well I just wanted to post this since 1: it's Halloween, 2: to show that I'm not going anywhere. I am sorry for the slow uploads, school as been running my ass and I wasn't able to write that much. I promise I'll post more in the future, enjoy the story! Happy Halloween)


"A fate or punishment that someone deserves"

It comes for everyone and pays it back no matter how big or small, but it's timing is unjust. For some, a small accidental misstep will come back at them immediately while some others who commit their horrid crimes aren't touched by the hand of Justice. One of the more unfortunate is a man in his early twenties, a fighter who has accidentally taken the life of an innocent warrior in the dark street of Mantle. A fighter by the name of Y/n Moh.

The notorious street fighter and Kung fu practitioner turned himself in two years ago when he sunk his claws into his opponent's heart killing him, ever since he walked the prison grounds with remorse weighing his heart. Yet he never had to cope with it alone.

Y/n flipped through the pages of a newspaper reading the current events with intrigue and suspicion. One one side reads the new superstardom of a Korean Pop star by the name of Ji-Woon Hak who became a solo star after the death of his other band mates of NO SPIN, while on the other side reads it of murder cases of several people.

Y/n: "There is no way that this is a coincidence...or maybe it is?"

A prison guard came up to Y/n who had splendid news for him.

Liam: "Y/n, Fiona and Robyn are here to see you"

Y/n: "Thanks Liam"

Y/n popped his face out of the newspaper and got up from his seat, in a visitor booth he saw his little sister figure Fiona Thyme who was on the phone and his ex Robyn Hill. He walked up to the booth, took his seat, and picked up the phone.

Y/n: "Hey Fiona"

Fiona: "Hi Y/n!"

Y/n smiled at Fiona's chirpiness, she always brought him joy every time she came to visit.

Y/n: "How are you doing Fiona? Are you doing well in school? Are you sleeping and eating well?"

Fiona pouted as Y/n asked her said questions.

Fiona: "Yeah yeah I'm doing fine dad"

Y/n laughed a bit at Fiona's cute attitude.

Y/n: "So, did anything interesting happen?"

Fiona: "I got into Atlas University!"

Y/n eyes widened as a large smile came onto his face.

Y/n: "Did you really?!"

Fiona nodded as Y/n then realized what it meant.

Y/n: "I missed your highschool graduation didn't I?"

Robyn: "Yeah that is about right"

Fiona: "Robyn!"

Robyn shrugged at her as Y/n felt a bit guilty, but he held his head up high for Fiona.

Y/n: "So, are you doing anything to celebrate?"

Fiona then pulled out her scroll to show Y/n digital tickets.

Fiona: 'I am going to see Ji-Woon's performance in Amity Stadium!"

Y/n stomach then dropped, he felt a chill go down his spine. He truly believed Ji-Woon Hak was responsible for the missing people and did not trust him one btt, however, he stomached through the paranoia thinking it was just that.

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