Comfort amongst the shadows

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(Casey Bowman reader X Blake Belladonna)

(Quick Disclaimer: Casey Bowman is a character played by Scott Adkins in both Ninja and Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear)

(Rwby X Ninja)

Blake: "Do I really have to come?"

Yang: "Come on Blake it'll be fun! Besides, you should let loose a little after all that studying"

Blake: "Fine, but remember we can't stay past the curfew"

Yang: "Alright alright"


Blake's thoughts: "Aaaaaaand there she go"

Blake watched as Yang was drunk off her ass and flirted with the Malachite twins as the two kissed her cheek, Blake sighed as she drank her club soda.

???: "Rough night?"

Blake then turned to see a boy that looked like her same age, he was wearing black jeans with a tactical belt holding it, a black hoodie.

Blake: "No, just some friend who dragged me here"

The boy chuckled a bit.

???: "Well friends could do that at times, you're a good friend to let yourself go with her even if you don't want to. I would say don't let her have too much fun but too late for that"

The two chuckled at the boy's comment.

???: "You from around here?"

Blake: "Yeah, I go to Beacon"

???: "It must be nice, to have great people teaching you to protect the innocent people"

Blake: "It is"

???: "Names Y/n, Y/n Bowman"

Blake: "Blake Belladonna, nice to meet you"

The two chatted talking about their hobbies, interests and dreams. Blake was glad that she was able to find someone like Y/n, she was actually enjoying her time in the club.

Blake: "I didn't know you knew so much about Japanese culture"

Y/n: "Culture isn't the only thing I know"

Blake: "Oh really?"

Y/n: "I was raised in Japan"

Blake: "What's it like there?"

Y/n: "In the right places it can be the most beautiful place in remnant"

Before they can continue they heard the music stop causing them to look back.

DJ: "That's all for tonight ladies and gents! Have a good night! And come again!"

Blake carried Yang while leaving the club, Y/n then came to her before she went far.

Y/n: "Want me to help?"

Blake: "I would say I got this but I can't lie, Yang is pretty heavy"

Y/n helped Blake carry Yang as the two literally walked to Beacon, when they arrived Blake asked the boy one small request.

Blake: "Wanna meet up tomorrow? I don't have school that day"

Y/n: "Sure that sounds great, where do you wanna meet?"

Blake: "Library?"

Y/n: "Okay sure"

Blake: "Alright, see you around"

Blake smiles as she carries Yang back to the academy while Y/n walks back to his apartment, when Y/n was far enough he started to free run hopping building to building getting to his location.

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