Burning Energy

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(Yang Xiao Long X Fire Bender Reader X Nora Valkyrie)

(Rwby X ATLA)

It was a casual Saturday afternoon, a day where students can prepare for exams or sit back and relax. That's what you would expect on a lazy Saturday in Beacon, nothing special was happening...well except for one person, and that person is Pyrrha Nikos who was waiting at the bullhead landing pad with teams RWBY and JNPR.

Jaune: "So Pyrrha, what are you do excited about?"

Pyrrha: "My brother is going to be attending Beacon!"

Ruby: "Wow that's cool, where did he used to go?"

Pyrrha: "Well...he didn't go to an academy per say, but Professor Ozpin was willing to let him join!"

Yang: "Well, I can't wait to see him"

Then the bullhead landed on the landing pad, the large door opened to reveal a boy with Pyrrha's red hair, a orange tunic and black pants walking off the bullhead. Pyrrha ran up to her brother with open arms.

Pyrrha: "Y/n!"

Y/n accepted the hug from his sister and returned it as well.

Y/n: "Hey big sis!"

The others looked at Y/n with curiosity and excitement, Pyrrha then brought Y/n to her friends.

Pyrrha: "Guys this is Y/n, Y/n this is my friends"

Y/n put his fist in his palm and bowed

Y/n: "Nice to meet you all"

Ruby: "I didn't know Pyrrha had a brother"

Y/n: "And I didn't know my sister was accompanied by such great people, my sister would send letters to me about Beacon and I must say I am very ecstatic to meet you all"

Y/n smiled causing Nora and Yang to blush.

Pyrrha: "Let's go Ozpin office to officially get you enrolled"

Pyrrha and Y/n went off to the headmaster's office letting the others speak their opinions of Y/n.

Ruby: "So what do you think of Y/n?"

Jaune: "I say that he seems like a cool person"

Ren: "He seems like an interesting individual"

Blake: "He seems nice"

Weiss: "If this is Pyrrha's brother we're talking about then he shouldn't be a bad person"

Ruby: "Yang, Nora what do you think"

Yang and Nora was already daydreaming of Y/n, his sweet smile branded into their head.

Ruby: "Guys? Guys!"

Yang/Nora: "Huh? What is it?"


Y/n sat in the cafeteria looking for a seat to eat his lunch, he literally had no idea where to sit until...

Pyrrha: "Y/n! Over here!"

Y/n looked at where Pyrrha was and hastily walked to her, he sat down next to her. He was surrounded by her friends.

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