Chapter 22

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[Andrea's POV]
Hayes and I were walking through the beautiful city. It was already after 9 at night but we didn't care. "I had fun today!"I said. "Me too!"Hayes said. We both laughed. "Hey, umm do you still like Makenzie? Be honest!"I asked him. He stopped walking and I did too. "why would you think I still like her?"he asked. I shook my head. "Andrea, I love you, and only you! No one else compares to you because you are one of a kind! I love everything about you, and nothing can change that!"He said. I smiled. "Hayes! That was sweet! Thanks!"I said. He just smiled at me and winked. "Let's head back to the hotel! I'm tired!"I said. "Ok!"he replied. Then we left heading to the Hotel.

[Maddy's POV]
I watched Toby as he was sleeping. I cried! I didn't want to loose him, not now, not ever! I thought about how much of a jerk I was to him when I left to go find Anna. I told him to go after me, but I knew he was going to be in pain. I just didn't listen! How could I be so stupid! Now look where he is, I thought. He is pain, more pain than ever! I wish I could just kiss him and he'll be better! But,it wouldn't work, ever! "Toby?"I said to him. he opened his chocolate brown eyes. "Yeah?"he asked. "you'll be ok, right? You'll be with me forever and ever....right?"I asked him, still cryin. "Oh Maddy! I will be ok, soon! And I promise you, I'll be with you forever! Nothing can't break us apart!"he said. "I love you, Toby!" "I love you Maddy!"he said back. As long as me and him live, I will never forget about him! And I'll forget what he as always said to me, even from the very beginning! Toby started coughing out of no where, uncontrollably. "Shhhh! Toby, relax!! Breathe!"I said. He didn't listen. His coughing got worse! "Toby! Toby!"I yelled as I saw him coughing out something, blood. "No! Doctor!! Please, help!!"I yelled . Three nurses came running in, taking Toby away. One of them looked at me and tried to calm me down. "He's going to be ok! We'll take care of him!"she said. I nodded nervously and she brought me out in the hallway to rest. "Here's some water! Just relax!"she said handing me a cup of water. I didn't grab it from her. "I don't want water! I want Toby!" "He's going to be ok!"she said. I pretended to be fine by grabbing the cup and smiling through the pain. The nurse walked away, leaving me alone. No one was with me. Austin and Anna went to Austin's house, having fun. I didn't feel like calling them. I only wanted to call for Toby! Hours passed and I still stood there in the hallway, waiting for Toby. Every time I saw a nurse pass, I would ask about Toby, but none knew who he was. I was praying, praying hard for my Toby to be ok. It didn't seem to work! No one came, not in the last four hours. I put my head down, looking at the floor and looking at my tears fall from my face to the ground. I stood there still as a statue till I heard a nurse call my name. I looked up and saw the nurse who helped me earlier. "Where's Toby? Nurse! Where is he?"I yelled at her. Then she spoke. Her words seemed like they came out at me like bullets. "I'm sorry! He didn't make it!"she said. I froze. Tears fell from my face. I screamed. I don't care who was watching. I was crying and screaming. the nurse hugged me and held me. "I know! I know!"she said. I kept screaming for my life! "God, no!! No!!"I yelled. I lost my love forever, Toby!😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

[Hayes's POV]
It's 2 am. Andrea was asleep in her bed. For some reason, I couldn't fall asleep! I got up from my bed and opened the door to me and Andrea's room. I left our room and decided to grab some food. Once I got down there I grabbed one waffle, two pieces of bacon, and one cup of orange juice. I sat down at a table eating, and thinking about why I couldn't go to sleep. I kept thinking but I just couldn't put my foot on it! Once I finished my food, I got up from the table and threw away my plate. After I did that I turned around and saw Makenzie! That's when I knew we needed to talk. "Makenzie? Can we talk for a sec?"I asked. "I guess so!"She said. We sat at a table together. "So, what's up?"she said. "why do you need to talk to me?" "Because there's something I have to say to you!"I said. "What?" I can't believe I'm saying this! "I want you back! Makenzie when I saw you with tears in your eyes, I realized I still have feelings for you! And i love you!"I said. She smiled. "Oh, Hayes! You do still love me!"she said. I nodded at her. "What are you gonna say to Andrea?"she asked. "I hope it's not another lie!"I heard a voice behind me say. I turned my head and saw Andrea. I got up from the table. "Andrea, I can explain!"I said. "No! I knew you still had feelings for her! I can't believe you lied to me!"Andrea said. she started crying. "No! I didn't! I still love..."I said till I got cut off. "Wait. I thought you said you loved me?"Makenzie said. "I do! It's just...."I said. "you still love me! But I'm tired of you, Hayes! And your lies!"Andrea replied. "I don't understand you!"Makenzie yelled at me. "You know what? You go figure who love! And when you do, come to us and tell us cuz I'm done, Hayes!"Andrea said. "same!"Makenzie replied. "Let's go, Kenz!"Andrea said to her. They both walked away from me, mad and upset! What did I just do!?

[Anna's POV]
I was with Austin at his house, sitting on his couch watching Super Natural. "I'm so happy you're better!"I told him. "Me too! Now I can do his without being in pain!"he said. "What!"I said. Then he kissed me. I pulled back and laughed. "You still got it!"I said. He laughed at me. "I love you, Austin!" "I love you, Anna!"he said back. "Have you heard from Maddy lately?"I asked checking my phone. "No!"he said. He did the same thing, pulled out his phone to see if she texted or called. We didn't get anything from Maddy! And it's been eight hours! "I better go see her!"i said getting up from the couch. "Ill be back!"I told him. "Ok! Be safe!"he said. Then I closed his front door and walked towards my car. I got in and headed for the hospital to see if she was there. Once I got there I saw the front desk lady. Sw rolled her eyes. "It's you again!"she said. I mocked her. "Whatever! But have you seen a 20 year old girl with red hair here?"I asked. "I did. One of the nurses told me she was heading to beach to take a walk!"she said. I smiled. "thanks!"I said and then left the hospital. I got in my car, once again. and once I got to the beach, I saw Maddy, she was sitting down in the sand. I walked towards her. "Maddy?"I said. She turned around. Tears were in her eyes. "Hey!"she said. "what...what happened?"I asked. "It's Toby! He's gone!"she said. That's when I froze. Omg!! He's dead!😬😬😱😱
Ooooh! Sad!! Break up, lying, and now Toby is gone!😬😬well hope liked this chapter! Next chap. might be posted soon, not sure!😀

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