Chapter 3

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[Julia's POV]

I got in my hotel room and it was so small! There was one twin sized bed with a tv, bathroom, and I just can't describe it cuz it was so small! I looked at my phone and it said that I had ten missed calls from Nash! OMG! He's probably wondering where I am! I quick typed in his number and called him. After a couple rings he answered! "Oh my gosh Julia! I've been worried sick! Where the heck are you,"he asked."Apparently, I took the wrong plane and ended up in Turkey and that's like a million miles away from you guys,"I said. ","He said while he line was bad. "Wait what did you say,"I said. After that the connection was lost! Uggghhh! How am I ever goin to tell them everything!?😞😠 I then put my phone on the dresser and watched some tv. I kept flipping the channels and all the channels were in Turkish! So I just turned off the tv and changed and went to bed. *Dream* "Nash Grier, do you take this lovely girl to be your lovely wedded wife,"the preacher asked. Nash hesitated. He looked at me with his sad, blue eyes. "I don't,"he said. My mouth dropped when he said that. My heart was broken. Tears rolled down my dry soft cheeks. "What,"I said in a whispered. "I love someone else, Kaley,"he said. Then Kaley came out with a white beautiful wedding dress. She hugged Nash and kissed him.😰 he smiled at her and looked at me in disappointment. I looked at my flowers he gave me that morning and threw them at him as hard as I could! I ran out of the area of the cruise we had the wedding at. I cried and cried wondering why he did this to me! *End of Dream* I woke up and realized that it was just a dream! I looked at the clock next to the bed and it was 3:00 in the morning so I went back to bed.😴 I woke up the next morning by the sound of my phone buzzing. It was Nash calling me!😻 👀 "Nash,"I said answering it. "Julia!? I miss you soooo much! When are coming down here,"Nash asked me. "I think my flight to Hawaii leaves at 12:00. So.. I'll probably be there at by tonight where you guys are,"I said. "Good! Cuz I miss you soo much,"He said. "I miss you too! Love you! I'll see you soon,"I said "Love you more! Bye,"he said. I smiled while I hung up. I looked over at the clock next to my bed and it was 11:30! My mouth dropped and I had to get ready as fast as I could so I can to the airport on time. I took a quick shower and changed into some skinny jeans, white Keds, and a #Nofilter shirt. I put my hair in a bun and grabbed my stuff and left my hotel room. I ran to the front of the hotel and hailed a cab. "Where to mam,"The driver asked. "The airport, please,"I said jumping in the back seat. After I got buckled we drove off. When we got to the airport I payed the driver and got out of the taxi cab and walked in the airport. It was soo packed again! I ran through the crowd of people while trying to find the flight to Hawaii. A bunch of people walked up to me asking if I would buy things but all I did was shake my head and walk away. I kept reading all the signs and I couldn't find the flight to Hawaii. So I kept waking and went up to a person who worked at the airport. "Excuse me, do you know where the flight to Hawaii is,"I asked. "Yeah, it's over there," she said while pointing to one of the signs. "Thank you,"I said then I walked towards the door to the plane to go to Hawaii. When I got over there I gave the airport worker my ticket and got on the plane. I took my bags and put them in a certain place to put them. Then I sat down and looked around to see if I knew anyone. And I did! I saw Alex!!!! He saw me looked at him and I quick turned around and scooted down in my seat so he wouldn't see me. I saw someone sit down next to me and it was Alex! He gave me an evil smirk and I just got mad!😡 "What are you doin," I asked. "I told you I still you and I want to get back together with you,"he said. I rolled my eyes at him and said," I told you already I don't like you and I'm getting married! Can't you listen once in a while? You didn't even listen to me when we were dating and every time I try to tell you something you ignore me! What's wrong with you!? Also I want to sit by myself,"I told him making people stare at us. "Calm down babe! You are making people stare,"he said. "I don't care!!!! And don't call me babe! I'm not your babe and I will never be,"I yelled at him on the top of my lungs. A flight attendant walked towards us. "What's wrong mam,"she asked. "I don't know this guy and he's callin me babe and everything and he just sat down next to me! Again, I don't know him,"I said lying about knowing him. "Sir, if you are goin to disturb the other people on this plane you are not goin to stay on here so you are coming with me," she said. "But she knows me! She's lying to you,"he said. "No I'm not,"I said lying again. "You are getting off this plane mr," the flight attendant said to Alex. She took his hand and took him off the plane. She came back and said," I'm really sorry mam about that! For that you get a free flight and anything you want like food or drinks," she said. "Really,"I said. "Yeah! Anything,"She said. Thanks,"I said back. [Time skip] [Nash's POV] It was 6:00 and all of us decided I go to the beach."Guys, let's go! I'm ready to go to the beach,"I said to the others. "We're coming,"Gabby said grabbing her stuff while the others were behind her. "You guys ready,"I asked. "Yeah,"Kaley said. After that we left to go to the beach. When we got there we set up our stuff and went to go swim. We then played beach volleyball afterwards. The score was 2:3. Gabby served it to me and I was goin to hit it but I ran into someone and fell. "Oh sorry,"the person said. The voice sounded so familiar and I realized it was the voice I fell on love with when we first met! I looked up and it was Julia! I hugged her and smiled at her. "What are you doin here? I thought you were still on the plane,"I asked happily. "Long story! I'll tell you later cuz I want to play volleyball,"She said. "Not yet! I've been missing something,"I said. "What,"she said with a smile. I pulled her towards me and said,"this!" I kissed her! I missed her while she was gone. I can't wait till we can be together forever!💏👫 after she pulled away she started to blush. "I'm goin to beat you in this game,"she said with a big smile on her face and running towards the opposite side I was on. "No you won't,"I said back. "Sure,"she said. She got in ready position and her and Gabby kept hitting all the balls and spiking it! Dang! They got game! But not for long! The ball was coming towards me so I jumped up and hit it really hard. Gabby dived down and se hit up towards Julia and Julia hit it over! The hit was short so I had to dive down too but I didn't hit it! Ugh! "YASSSS! I told you I could beat you,"Julia said. "Well whatever,"I said getting up from the ground. "Well I'll see you letter guys cuz I'm goin to take my stuff to the hotel,"She said. "Ok and also you are sharing the hotel room 127 with me,"I said wiping the sand off of me. "Ok, bye," she said as she walked away. After a couple seconds she turned around and ran back towards me and have me a big kiss.😘 "love you cutie,"she said. Then after that she walked away and wen to the hotel.😛 [Julia's POV] when I got to the hotel I walked I me and Nash's room. Everything was neat in there and right next to one of the beds there was a vase of flowers and a card. I walked up to it and picked up the card. It said," I missed you while you were gone! I love you soo much beautiful! I bought these flowers just for you because you mean soo much to me! I will never hurt you because I will be in tears everyday cuz I dm wouldn't have you anymore! Anyways, I can't wait till we get married!" I started to smile a lot cuz it was just so sweet! He's such a nice guy! Then I started to hear a really loud knock on my door. I opened the door and it was Noa! "What's wrong," I asked. "It's Nash!!!"🙊🙊
What do u think happened??? Find out in the next chapter! But I'm goin to post it later! Love Y'ALL! 😘😘✊

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