Chapter 15

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I love this chapter! And for y'all...enjoy!😊😊😊😊😊

[Julia's POV]
I woke up the next day. I jumped out of bed so excited and screamed in Nash's ear. "Wake up! It's wedding day! Come on!"I yelled. His beautiful blue eyes opened and then he smiled. "Ok but come here first!"Nash said. I sat down next to him. He hugged me so tight and I put my head on his stomach and looked up at him. "This is going to be the best day of our lives and I want you to know that I will protect you as long as we live! I will never leave you for someone else! Cuz you are the only one I need. And if we have any problems I won't walk out on you because of them! We will work together to figure them out! Ok?"Nash said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Ok! And we better get ready! Big day ahead of us!"I said. After that I got up and started to meet with the girls in Kaley and Matt's room. Nash and the guys all went in Shawn and Kayla's room to get ready. Once all the girls got in Kaley and Matt's room we started to talk. "Ok, Julia we will help you with your hair, dress, shoes, and oh don't forget makeup!"Kayla said. "Yeah and take out your dress!"Noa said. Then I took it out and changed into it with the help with the girls. "Perfect! Now Kayla and Kaley do her hair!"Makenzie said. That's when Kaley and Kayla started to do a wedding style hair style on me. And while they did that Gabby, Noa, and Makenzie did my makeup. Minutes and minutes went by and they were still doing my hair and make up! "How long is this going to take??"I asked. "Ummmmmmmmm DONE! Well with the hair!"Kayla said. "Finally! Now are y'all done with the makeup?"I asked Gabby, Noa, and Makenzie. "Now we are! Now look in the mirror! You look perfect!"Gabby said. I got up and looked in the bathroom mirror. "It's perfect you guys! Thank you so much!"I said. "You're welcome now put on these shoes!"Kaley said. She handed me white high heels and then I put them on and stood up. "Finally you grew!"Gabby said. "Hahaha funny!"I said to her. This day is going to be perfect, nothing can ruin it!👰
[Nash's POV]
The guys were helping me get ready for the wedding. They all put their suits and ties and they left me last to do. "Ok! You are going to wear this light blue tie with the suit you picked out. And don't forget these black pants."Cam said. They helped me put in on, which didn't take long at all. Next was the shoes and of course they were black. Once everything was complete the guys stepped back and looked at me. "You look great, man! Julia will love it!"Matt said. "Thanks!"I said. "You ready?"Shawn said. I took a deep breath and let it out! I was nervous! "Kinda!"I said. "Well you will do great! Now let's go!"Cam said. We then left to go to the deck for the wedding. Once we stepped In there I saw my mom, dad, of course Skylynn, and Will. They were in the front row with Julia's aunt and uncle. All of us guys went in the front with the preacher. Then wedding music started to play. And that's when I saw my lovey bride come out in her beautiful wedding dress! 👰
[Julia's POV]
I stepped out and saw everyone stand up and look at me! Wedding music played and I started walking down the aisle with blue carpet. I smiled at everyone and looked around. I shouldn't have looked because I saw Alex! His evil grin gave me goosebumps all over my body. I then faced towards Nash so I wouldn't have to look at that hideous grin of Alex's or his face! I smiled at Nash and he did the same back but winked. I can't believe this is happening! I'm marrying Nash Grier, the guy i have been dying to marry for 2 years! And now it's finally happening! I made it to the front and saw everyone sit down. I faced Nash and he faced me. He took my hands and held them with his, like he always does. The preacher started to talking and that's when I got nervous! I don't want Alex to ruin this wedding! And if he does he has messed with the wrong couple! "Is this really happening to me?"I whispered to Nash with a smile. "It is happening! And today will be perfect!"Nash whispered back. "And it will be!"I said. "If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace!"The preacher said. I turned towards the crowd and saw Alex. He rose his hand and was about to say something, til Cam and Matt walked towards him. Cam covered his mouth and Matt pulled his hand down. "Not this time! You can't mess this wedding up! Never!"Matt said. They both smiled at me. "Thank you!"I said without speaking out loud. They both nodded at me and I turned towards Nash again. I smiled at him and looked into his beautiful, baby blue eyes. I want to be with him forever, and now I will! I kept hearing the preacher speak until me and Nash say our 'I dos' And our vows. That's when I heard Nash say,"I do!" I smiled at him and then I soon said I do but I could barely say it cuz I was so excited! "I..I do!"I said excitedly. Nash smiled at me and winked at me! He's mine and mine forever! And then, it was time for our vows! Nash went first. "Julia, I take you to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us. I will stick together with you for the rest of our lives and always be by your side, forever!"Nash said. I started crying! It was sweet of him! Now, it was my turn. I paused for a second, thinking of what to say. Then, I thought of something, something that was going to be the best! "Nash, take you, to be my friend, my lover, and my husband. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity!"I said. Nash smiled at me, with the biggest smile I've ever seen! Then it was time to exchange rings. The preacher gave us out rings and gave it to each other. And after that the preacher started talking again. Then, it was time for the closing! "I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Grier! You may kiss the bride!"the preacher said. "My pleasure!"Nash said. He let go of my hands and put them on my hips. I put my hands on his shoulders. And that's when he kissed me! First marriage kiss! It felt more that magical! It felt....special! And it was! Nash pulled away and smiled at me. "I love you, my bride! And I will forever!"Nash said. My husband, my husband...FOREVER!💍💞👰
I hope y'all liked this chapter!!!! Mr. and Mrs. Grier are together! And I hope forever! Next chapter will be posted, maybe tomorrow! And the last wedding with Cam and Gabby will be very soon! Like really soon though! Thanks guys! Love y'all!!! 😘😘

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