Chapter 23

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"Toby's gone! Forever!"Maddy said weaping. I sat down next to her. "Maddy, I know this is going to be hard, but I'm still here for you! I've been here for you ever since seventh grade! I know how much he meant to you!"I said. "He fought for me! And all I did was let him fall from my hands! I miss him so much! And I didn't even get to say goodbye!"she replied. "You'll find someone just like him soon!"I said with a smile. "No! I don't want anyone else! I only want Toby!! He was the one for me!" "Look, Maddy, you gotta know the pain you're feeling now is gonna take time to heel. And don't dwell on it forever!"I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Thanks, Anna! I can always count on you!"she said and gave me a hug. "Anything for my best friend!!" We both pulled away from the hug. "We better fly to Paris tomorrow for the wedding! I don't want to miss it!"Maddy said. "Yeah, we gotta get some rest!"I said. "Yeah! And thanks again!"Maddy said. "No problem!"

[Hayes's POV]
I woke up at 10:30 and realized Andrea wasn't in the room, not even her luggage. I realized I hurt two of the best girls in the world, but I couldn't figure out who I loved more! I laid on my bed thinking. Who do I love more? Andrea? Makenzie? It was hard! I took out my phone and looked at the pictures me and Andrea took, then me and Makenzie. After a while of trying to think, I decided to talk to Nash! Who would know what to do! I got off my bed and headed to Nash's room. He was a floor below mine and when I got on the elevator Matt was in there. Oh no! He might be mad at me for hurting his sister. I stood next to him and pressed an elevator button. the doors closed and the elevator was silent. "Makenzie told me!"he said. That's when I got nervous. "And let me tell you something. If you hurt her again by...lets see.. picking her but breaking her heart again, you better watch your back Grier! I know we are friends but I know my sister and I never like it when she's in pain! It's my job to take care of her while she's away from our mom and while she's with us. And I just want her to be happy, ok Grier?" I shook my head. "I'll try not to, Matt!"I said. The elevator doors opened. "I'll see ya later, man!"I said. He smiled as I walked away. I headed to Nash's room and I've I got there, I knocked on the door. Nash opened door after a couple seconds. "What's up, Hayes?"Nash asked. "Can we talk?"I asked. "Yeah! Come in and then we can talk!"he said. I stepped in the room. "So, why do we need to talk?"he asked. "I love Andrea! But I also love Makenzie! What should I do?"I said. "Well, what do you like about both of them?he asked. "I like the way Makenzie laughs! And how nice she is, the she smiles and her beautiful brown eyes!! And Andrea, man! She's got it all! I love everything about her; her personality and the way she's makes me feel!"i paused. "Wait.. I said I love EVERYTHING about Andrea and not Makenzie! You know what this means right?!"I said to Nash. he grinned at me! "Andrea is the one for me!!! She's always been, All this the time!!"I said. I walked towards the door. "Go get her tiger!!!"Nash said. I laughed as I walked out. "Thanks, man!"I said then ran off to go find Andrea!

[Julia's POV]
All the girls and I got up early this morning to finish the wedding plans and decorations for Cam Gabby. Were finishing up setting up rose bouquets to put on each table and finish the walkway where Gabby walks Down. While we were doing that, Noa was talking to her lover boy, Derek!😂 "You gonna call me later?"she asked him. "Of course, gurl! And make sure you answer! Ok? I gotta so, call you later!"Derek said walking away from her. "Ok! Byee!"she said. I walked towards her. "Seems like you like this Derek!"I said smiling at her. "I do! He's cute! And charming, sweet! And just spectacular! Even though we've been talking or about a day now but still!"she said. "You should date him! I see the way he looks at you! I know he likes you!!!" I said. "Maaaayybbe! But what if he likes someone else?"she asked. "Trust me, he likes YOU!"I said. "Maybe you're right! Imma see tonight when he calls!"she replied. "Good! Now I just have to out this bouquet on this table and then I'm done!"I said putting in on a table. I stepped back to look at the decorations! They were perfect, just perfect for Cam and Gabby's wedding tomorrow!!!!

[Maddy's POV]
Anna, Austin and I were on the plane heading to Paris. We have been on for five hours now. All I have been thinking about is Toby! Oh, how I miss him so much! I daydreamed back to how we met! Me and my friends were at a fair and one of my best friends brought a guy and it was Toby! I just knew from the very first look he gave me that day that he was going to change my life, forever! And he did! And it was beautiful! It magical. It was LOVE! But now, it's just history! I Remember Toby saying he loved me on the plane heading to Arizona. I remember everything we did together, everything we said, and every time we breathed. And I hope Toby knows that no one, not a single person, will ever take his place in my heart! NEVER! He'll always be mine, even if I can't see him because I know he's here with me! I can feel it!!😔😔❤️❤️
Hope y'all liked this chapter!!! Next one MIGHT be poster soon! Luv y'all!!😘😘

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