Chapter 6

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[Time skip]

Me and the girls are at the beach and all of us are how putting all the wedding stuff together. "Guys can you help me put out te white chairs and put pink ribbon on the back shaped like a bow,"I asked all of them. "Yeah sure,"Maddy said. We all grabbed some chairs and ribbon and started to put them out. While I was putting some chairs out I saw a cute couple walking together and holding hands on the beach. They looked like me and Nash met when we were walking on te beach together in California. I turned away and kept putting chairs out. After a couple minutes I felt someone bump into me causing me to drop the ribbon out of my hands. "I'm so sorry I did that,"Thr choice said. I looked up and it was the girl from that cute couple I saw. "It's ok ummm,"I said till she cut me off. "Makenzie Espinosa,"she said. My mouth dropped. "You are matthew Espinosas little sister?"I asked her surprised. She shook her head and said,"Yeah and aren't you the one dating Nash Grier?" "Yeah and we at getting married in a couple weeks!" "Cool and I love his brother Hayes but don't tell my boyfriend that cuz he doesn't know,"she said. I laughed and I said ok. Then I saw her boyfriend come up and put his arms around her and kiss her on the cheek. "Oh and this is my boyfriend Jacob Howell,"she said smiling. "Hi!"I said. Then I see Gabby next to me saying,"Someone forgot the table where the cake goes on in the lobby behind the hotel desk. Who's goin to go get it?" "I'll get it,"Jacob said. And before I could say thanks he ran off and Gabby walked away. I started to laugh and so did Makenzie. Then I saw Makenzie wave to someone that was behind me and I turn around and see Hayes. He waves back and whispers in my ear. "Hey um who is she? She's hot!" He said whispering in my ear. I smiled at her and said to him,"Her name is makenzie and she is a huge fan and go talk to her!" He smiled and started talking to her. When they were doing there thing I decided to get back to work. [Makenzie's POV] when Hayes started to talk to me I was so surprised! "Hey,"he said to me with a smile. "Hey!"'I said back. We just kept talking about random things that made me laugh. He had this senseless ad neve of humor that makes you want to smile an he laugh all the time. I love Jacob but Hayes is so..wait what!😳 Jacob has been gone for a while and I'm pretty happy so I can talk to Hayes for a little. When he was saying something I felt a volleyball hit me in my back causing me to fall getting closer to Hayes. He caught me and said,"You alright?" "Not really!"I said in pain. "I know what can make you feel better!"he said sending me chills down my spine. I smiled at him. "Really what?"I asked. "This!" He leaned in and kissed my cheek. He pulled away and I kissed him back. Then I realized that it was a BIG mistake! "Makenzie!"I heard Jacob say. I pulled away and my stomach had a million knots in it now. "Wait that's your boyfriend?!"Hayes asked surprised. I shook my head sadly. "Not anymore, Makenzie! She's all yours now whatever your name is!"Jacob said walking away. "Why didn't tell me you had one!?"Hayes asked me disappointed at me. "I..I don't know why"I said. "You know Makenzie! I like you but come let me know how you feel about me later when you figure things out!"Hayes said then started to walk away from me. What did I just do? My knees fell to the ground I started to cry. Then I felt something cold on my back. I turn around and see Julia with an ice pack in her hand. "I saw what happened and are you ok?"she asked. "No."I said. "If you like Hayes then go after him cuz he might be the one for you and it seems like you guys have a good connection when you guys were talking!" "We do! But I'm just goin to give him a couple hours or somethin before I go see him."I said. "Oh then well I hope you guys work out,"Julia said then went back work. [Time skip] It's 8:30 and the girls,my brother,Nash,Cam, ad I are at Chick fa la eating dinner. We ordered our food and started to eat. I barely ate once we got our food and Matt kept looking at me. "What happened today, sis?"he asked. I just shook my head and Julia said something which I didn't really want to hear right now. "Well umm her and her boyfriend broke up and she also met Nash's brother and they were talking and that's kinda how umm her and Jacob I'm broke up."Julia said. "Oh I'm so sorry sis but don't worry someone will probably walk through that door and tell you they love you!"Matt said. I just smiled and saw someone every familiar walk through one of the doors. He then walked towards us and I realized it was Hayes! "Makenzie can we talk outside?"he asks me. I look over at Matt and he just shakes his head and points towards outside. I get up from the table and walk outside with Hayes. We stood in front of one of the windows and started to talk. "Makenzie I'm so sorry I ran off like that I was just mad that you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend because even though I just met you I have feelings for you!"Hayes said. "Really cuz I have feelings for you too! But I'm really sorry I didn't tell you!"I said. Tears came down my face when he said he had feelings for me. "Relax babe! I forgive you!"he said. Then he kissed my forehead. I smiled at him. "Makenzie, will you be my girlfriend?"Hayes asked. My mouth dropped!! "Of course I will!!"I said. I gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. I saw him blush and then he grabbed my hand and we walked back in to go eat. We walked back to my table and Matt looked right at me! "Was I right that someone would walk through that door and tell you they love you?"Matt asked with a big smile on his face. I looked up at Hayes in his blue sparkly eyes. He stared at me. "Yeah! And I love him back!"I said. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. I love him!😻
Bout to post an another chapter! Srry I didn't post! I was busy this week!😘😘

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