Chapter 7

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[Julia's POV]

After we ate dinner we headed back to the hotel to go to sleep. Nash was carrying me on his back. We got in the elevator to take us to our floor where our room was and we were the only ones in there. He took me off his back and he smiled. "Since we are the only ones in here I can do this!"Nash said. "Do what?"I asked him. He didn't say anything. All he did was put his hands around my waist and kiss me! I love Nash! He is so sweet and he protected me this morning from Alex. He's my hero! I don't know what I'll do if he wasn't here if I never met him cuz he means so much to me! I pulled away and hugged him. "I love you so much Nash!"I said. "I love you so much too beautiful! Just remember I will always protect you! No matter what happens!"Nash said. "I know you will always protect me cuz I will never loose you!"I said looking up at him. All he did was kiss my forehead and put me back on his back. The elevator door opened and Nash started taking us to our hotel room. He opened our hotel door and sat on the bed. I got off his back and just wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Good night babe!"I said. "Wow! Not yet come here! Please sit next to me."he said. I sat next to him and out my head on his shoulder. "Yes cutie?"I asked concerned. "I'll do my best to be the best husband you will ever have. I'll do anything to make you happy!"Nash said. "Nash you already make me happy!"I said giving him a hug. "I know but still!"he said. I put my finger by his lips. "Shh! Just relax right now and let's just go to sleep."I said and kissed him. "Ok! Night!"Nash said. "Night!"I said back. We both got under the covers in the bed and went to sleep.😴 I woke up by the sound of someone knocking on the door. I looked at the clock next to my bed and it was 3:37 in the morning. I looked over at Nash and he was still sleeping. I got out of bed and opened the door. Kaley was standing there with a worried look in her eyes. "What's wrong?"I asked her. "The wedding is tomorrow and I don't have a dress or brides maids dresses at all!"Kaley said whispering. "Come on let's go get breakfast down stairs and we can look at some dresses on our phones,"I said and quietly closing the door. "Ok and it has to be perfect!"Kaley said. I shook my head and then we got on the elevator to go to get some breakfast. Once we got out the elevator we got our breakfast and sat down. We got on our phones and started looking up some pretty dresses. "How about this mint greenish blueish dress with diamonds on top with silver high heel shoes and white flowers for me and the girls to wear?"I asked Kaley showing her the dress,shoes, and flowers. "Oh my gosh I love that and maybe we can go to the hair dresser and get our hair done before the wedding tomorrow."Kaley said. "Yeah and that will be great!"I said. "And what about this wedding dress? It's a lace over wedding dress that had no straps and it's really long in the back."she said. "It's beautiful! Do you like that one?"I asked. "I do! Maybe we can find a store that has one later!"Kaley said. "Yeah well I'm goin to head back to bed! I'll see you later!"I said to Kaley while getting up from the table. "Ok! Bye!"she said back. I then got on the elevator and waited. While I did I got a text from an unknown number! It said,"Don't think I won't mess up your wedding cuz I will! You will never have that sweet guy you think is special to you ever again! And don't worry about having a happily ever after sweet heart cuz look!" Then a picture popped up on my screen. It was of Nash an that girl on the beach from yesterday kissing. But I already know about that and I forgave Nash! Then I got another text. "Here's one from today!"The text said. Another picture popped up on my phone. That one was just of me and Nash kissing after he came back from the mall. Whoever is sending this is trying to make me believe this is someone else and is trying to ruin my life! Who is sending me this?!😠👊 the elevator doors opened and I ran all the way to me and Nash's hotel room. I opened the door and shook Nash to wake him up. I soon saw his beautiful eyes open. "What's wrong babe? Nightmare or something?"Nash asked me. "No but read this!"I said handing him my phone. He read everything and looked at the pictures. "You already know about that kiss that that other picture was you and me kissing! There is no way whoever this is can separate us okay? Whoever this is they are getting in so much trouble when I found out who it is!"Nash said handing me my phone. I just nodded my head with a nervous face. "Don't worry beautiful just come here and try to go back to bed. I'll handle it tomorrow."Nash said scooting over for me to lay down next to him. I laid next to him and cuddled and laid my head on his chest. He grabbed my hand and held it and I held his hand back. Soon I fell asleep still holding his hand. [The morning at David's Bridal store trying on dresses] All us girls and OUR BOYFRIENDS ARE AT David's Bridal. First Kaley was looking for the dress w'e were talking about this morning. "I found the dress!! And it's my size!"Kaley said to us. I jumped up from my seat and said,"Let's go try it on and I'll help you zip it up!"I said. Kaley and I both ran to one of the fitting rooms. After she put on the dress on zipped up the back. She turned around it was gorgeous! "Let's go show them!!"Kaley said. I ran out with her with a bus smile on my face. Everyone looked up when we walked out. I pointed to the beautiful dress Kaley was wearing. I looked over at Matthew who's mouth was dropped! He got up and spun Kaley around and kissed her. While I was watching them I heard someone whispering I ear. "Why don't you try on a dress so I can see!"Nash said. I looked at him and kissed him. "I'll be back then!"I said pulling away. He winked at me and I blushed then I walked away looking for a dress. While I was looking I found the exact dresses I was looking at this morning! There were eight of them! "Guys I found some bride maids dresses that we can try on!"I yelled to them. All of them came running and finding their size and I grabbed mine too. I walked over towards Kaley and said,"Can you help me put this dress on?" She shook her head then we went in the fitting rooms. After I put on the dress Kaley zipped it up. I walked out the dressing room and I saw the other girls with the same dress on. We all walked out to show the guys and they all looked at us. Nash looked directly at me and I blushed. He walked up to me and spun me around. He looked directly in my eyes with his beautiful blue eyes. "You look beautiful!"Nash said. "Thanks Nashy Poo!"I said. I heard him laugh which made me laugh. "I love you so much!"Nash said. "I love you more!"I said. After I said that I got a txt on my phone. I pulled out my phone and read the message. It said,"I'm sorry I don't like you anymore and you are pathetic!" It was from Nash! "Nash....why would you say that!"I yelled. "What?"Nash said. I showed him the text message and then he reached into pocket but it wasn't in there. "I would never say that to tint jae my phone and I think someone stole my phone!"Nash said. I then started to walk around the store looking for it. I even asked a couple people of they found a phone but they didn't! Then I saw Alex with Nash's phone in his hands! I ran up to him and took he phone from his hands and yell out,"NASH!!" Then I felt hands around my mouth and pulling me back. "SHUT UP YOU..."Alex said till Nash cut him off. "Get your hands off her!" Nash walked up to us and grabbed me out of Alex's grip. I wrapped my arms around Nash and dug my head into his chest and held him tight. "What's your problem? Leave her alone!"Nash said to Alex. "You were the one that sent me those pictures isn't it?"I asked him but screamed! "I won't leave her alone and I did send you those pictures and I will get you back together with me soon and just remember that! I'll do and you will fall in love with me know matter what!"Alex said. "She will never love a jerk like you! Come on Julia let's go buy the dresses and leave."Nash said. We bought the dresses with the others and left. But before we left the store I looked back at Alex but he wasn't there. Where did he go?😦
Thx guys for reading! Srry I haven't been posting! This week I was really busy! I hope I can update some more chapters! Also I'm working on new chapters so it might take awhile for me to update! Also, see y'all later! Love y'all!!!😘😘😘😘😘

Fighting For Love [Sequel to Love Might Fail]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα