Chapter 13

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[Nash's POV]
While Julia was at a store to buy dresses for the wedding I went to go to JoS. A. BANK to buy me and the guys our suits. Once I stepped in that store I went straight to the black suits. I looked for my size in the one I liked and when I found it I picked it up and then I felt a tug on the other end of the suit. I looked up to see who was trying to take it from me. And I wish I hadn't because I was about to throw a punch at this guy's face! It was Alex! Ugh! "Well, isn't it Nash Grier! I think you are mistaken, stupid! This is my suit I'm wearing tomorrow to win my little Julia back. Me wearing this will make her drool all over me, and not you! So just kiss your happily ever after good bye!"Alex said. "You, idiot, Julia will never fall back in love with you! And besides there is nothing you can do to mess up our wedding tomorrow, nothing! And if you do, you will never see the next day cuz Imma fight you! Julia is too smart to be fooled again my you! Why do think she'll fall in love with you? Your soul in dark as night! All you care about is yourself and that's not right!"I said to him. "I look at the way she stares at you! I want her to stare at me like that! And Imma make sure by wearing this suit, she'll fall in love with me, unlike you, pretty boy! And Imma make sure I ruin your wedding tomorrow for good! I'll come up with something and I'll come up with something good! Cuz once I do, boom! There goes your marriage, love, and happiness! And you will never see Julia again! She'll fall right into my hands instead of yours!"he said. "Don't you dare touch her! And don't you dare ruin our wedding! Cuz if you do, you will never know what's gonna happen to you!"I said. "Oh I bet!"Alex said. I looked at him and he looked at me, the same way, with a mad face and pretending to see smoke coming out from both of our ears. I yanked on the suit but he Yanked back. It got harder and harder yanking back and forth. Then, quickly I looked over at the rack where I got my suit at and saw another one in my size. I looked back at Alex and kept pulling harder and harder. I started hearing tearing. Then I let go and Alex fell on the floor. The suit had a rip on the sleeve and couldn't be worn anymore. "Ha! Good luck with that suit for tomorrow!"I said. Then I quick grabbed some other suits that could be the guys' sizes and heads to the cans register before Alex could steel the suit from me. I paid for the suits and they were nicely covered so they wouldn't get wrinkled or ruined. Once the cashier handed them to me I quickly ran out of the store, leaving Alex behind and not being able to catch me. Then I was off looking for Julia.
[Julia's POV]
"Thank you so much!"I said to the cashier. She gently handed me the dresses and I left the store. I started walking to find my love bug when my phone started to buzz. It was my mom calling me.
[J-Julia & M-Mom]
•M-Sweetie! How are you!?
•J-I'm good, mom! Are you guys still coming to the wedding tomorrow?
•M- Sweetie, your dad and I can't make it to your wedding tomorrow! We tried leaving earlier to get on the airplane but since there is a big storm up here in Virginia, no planes are able to fly! I'm sorry honey!
•J-Oh, umm it's ok.
•M-You sure? It doesn't sound like it?
•J-No! This is an important to me and you guys aren't going to be there! Y'all are my parents! Parents are supposed to be at their child's wedding! But y'all aren't be able to make it!
•M-I'm sorry, honey. I know this is hard but trust me, you'll be fine tomorrow!
•J- Whatever! Bye......
Then I hung up. Tears started steaming down my face. Wow! My own parents aren't going to be at my own wedding! I can't believe this. I found a bench and decided to sit down. I pulled my hands to my face and cried. And cried! I soon felt someone sit down next to me. They hugged me tight, trying to calm me down. I looked up and saw Nash. "Babe, what's wrong?"Nash asked. "My parents aren't going to be able to make it to our wedding! There is a storm in Virginia that's too big and too strong for airplanes to be flying, so they can't make it. I knew this was going to happen! I just knew it!"I said and cried harder. "Shhhhhhh. It's goin to be alright! We know your aunt and uncle are here in California. And so are my parents! Don't worry they will be there! The boat will be stopped on a dock to let them on tomorrow! Don't worry, everything is going to be alright tomorrow! I know! Cuz we have the best people planning our wedding right now!"Nash said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks!"I said. "Anything for you!"He said and smiled.
[Gabby's POV]
We were almost done with the wedding decorations and once we were about to leave a flock of seagulls landed on the deck of the ship, leaving them pooping on all of the chairs! And on the blue carpet! "Hey! Shoo shoo! Guys help me get all of the birds off the deck! Now!"I said. Everyone then began shooing all the birds away. Once they were gone the decorations looked like a reck! "Guys! Get all of this cleaned up now!"I yelled. "Don't you think you're taking this way too far? We have been working for a couple hours and we haven't had a break? Cut us some slack, Gab!"Noa said. "I have been cutting y'all some slack! Y'all just won't listen! And no one cares about this wedding but me! I've been trying to get you guys to focus for two hours! It doesn't seem to be working! So y'all can just leave me be and let me fix this!"I said. Cam started walking towards me. "Look, why don't you go and relax in the hot tub or go get some food. I'll take care of this! Okay?"Cam said. "Fine. I'll go! But are you sure you can handle all this?"I said. "I'm sure. Now go and relax!"He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him. "Thanks! I'll see you later then!"I said. I then headed to the hot tub leaving Cam in charge! I hope everything goes right! I want Nash and Julia's wedding to be perfect for tomorrow!
[Cams POV]
"Guys! You heard Gabby! This wedding has to be best for Nash and Julia! Now help me clean this up and when we are done we will go grab some food. How's that!?"I said. "Fine! Whatever you say!"Kayla said. "Well! Let's get going!"🙊😬
Thanks so much for reading these chapters! And if anyone would like to comment, feel free to do it! Thanks! And next chapter will be posted soon! Luv y'all!😘😘😘

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