Chapter 8

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[Next day during the wedding]

"Do I look ok? How's my dress and...and my make up? Should I just open the window and just leave?"Kaley asked nervously to me,Gabby,Noa,Maddy,Anna,and Makenzie. "Don't worry you will alright!"Gabby said. Then the door opened and there was her mom and Matts mom. "Kaley, it's time! Come on ladies I'll walk y'all over there!"her mom said. We follow them to the beach to where the wedding was. Once we got there us brides maids walked towards the front where we saw Matt. Three of us was on each side. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and it was Nash. He looked at me and winked. I smiled at him and turned back around. Music then started to play and we saw Kaley walking down the aisle with that beautiful dress on and holding flowers and everything. Once she got done walking the preacher started to talk. After he talked they said their vows. "You may now kiss the bride!"I heard the preacher say. "I always do!"Matt said then kissed her. We all started cheering and clapping. When whey pulled away Kaley shouted,"Cake time!!" We walked over to the cake but on the corner of my eye I saw Alex! He walked up to me and said,"Hey babe!" He grabbed me but I kept trying to get away from him. I kept trying to get him off of me an then he let go and I hit the cake with my arm causing it to fall and me! Icing was all over me! People laughed at me and pointed. Nash walked up to me with a sad face because of everyone else. He held out his hand but all I did was cry and get up and run to the hotel. I went to the lobby and say down crying in one of the chairs. I saw Nash walk in and he sat next to me. He had a paper towel in his hand and started to clean up the mess on my face with the icing and tears. "It's okay! Just relax!"Nash said. "NO! ALL I DO IS MESS THINGS UP! ESPECIALLY WHEN IM IN LOVE! I hurt people with out knowing and I'm tired of it! I ruined the wedding and I'll probably ruin ours!"I said yelling. "Shhh! That's not true now let's go upstairs and clean you up and get ready for the cruise that's in four days."he said. I nodded my head and he took me to the our room,hand and hand.👫 [Time skip to the cruise] We all walked in our rooms and it was big! I put my stuff on the floor and laid on the one of the beds. I closed my eyes to rest and then I felt a pair of hands touch my face and familiar lips kiss me. I smile and open my eyes and see Nash! "Love you babe!"he said. "Love you too!!"I said and kissed him back. He laid next to me and stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "Can't wait till we get married! And have our own house and...and a,"I said till Nash cut me off. "Wow! We still have some time to think!"he said. "I know I know but don't you sometimes wonder though?"I asked. "Yeah but we still have to think about that!"Nash said. I nodded my head. "Wanna grab some dinner at one of the restaurants?"I asked. "Yeah! I'm starving!"Nash said. We both got up and left to go I get some food. We both ordered some fried chicken, fries,and coke. While we were eating we saw people play pool. It looked so fun! "Have you ever played pool before?"Nash asked me while watching people play too. "No but is it fun?"I asked him. "Yeah. Come on I'll teach you!"he said getting up and grabbing my hand. I got up with him and we both went up to a pool table. I grabbed a pool stick and Nash taught me how to hold it. We both held it together and he started to say something. "Then you pull back and when you are ready you pull forward and hit the cue ball."he said. I pulled back. "Like this?"I asked him. I looked up him and he looked at me. "Yeah!"Nash said and got closer to me. I leaned closer to him and then our lips crashed into each other! I love him so much!💏 then I felt something hit my back. I looked down and it was a hair bow. I looked up and saw Gabby Cam Kaley Matt Noa Makenzie and Hayes. They were all looking at us with smiles. "Come on you love birds! Less kissing and more playing pool! Come on guys!"Gabby said. They soon walked over to is with pool sticks and started to play. I looked at Nash who had a sad face and so did I. Thanks guys!😒
Here's a chapter! Sorry it's short. I'm writing the next chapter now so it might take some time cuz I'm really busy this week with drama club🎭 practices and band.🎵So I'll try to post soon just to let y'all now! Love y'all!😘

Fighting For Love [Sequel to Love Might Fail]Where stories live. Discover now