Chapter 18

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[Time Skip]
[Julia's POV]
"Ah! Paris! We are finally here,"I said. We got off the plane, all of us, Matt, Kaley, Cam, Gabby, Noa, Makenzie, Shawn, Kayla, and me. We grabbed our stuff and headed to the front of the airport doors to leave and grab a cab. Once we got to the front, all of us got cabs. Nash, Makenzie and I got in one. Once we got in the driver looked at us and smiled. "Bonjour, visiteurs! Hello, visitors! "the driver said. "Bonjour!"we all said back. We asked him if he could take us to the nearest hotel. He told us and we were on our way. "Julia?"Makenzie said. "Yeah?" "Will Hayes come back for me?"she asked. Tears came out of her eyes. I leaned over and wiped them off. "Makenzie, I..I don't know! I'm sorry!"I said. she looked down and cried. She turned around and looked out the window. i leaned back in my seat and sighed. "Don't worry, I'll find out if he is or not!"Nash said to Makenzie. "Thanks!she said. Nash nodded and smiled. He pulled out his phone and texted Hayes saying,"Hey man! Are you comin to Paris or are u still doin the movie thing? Makenzie is wondering, she misses you, a lot!" He didn't answer. We waited and waited but it was the same thing, no answer!

[Hayes's POV]
Andrea and I were in Paris. We shared our own hotel room with two beds, one shower, tv, closet, and room service. Me and Andrea have been very close since the past two days. Today, is the day Imma my move, to ask her out! I was changing Into something nice when Andrea banged on the bathroom door. "Yes?"I said. "Open up! Now!"she said. I opened the door and looked at her. She had my phone. "You got a text from your brother, which I dont care about, but who's this Makenzie??"she said. I could tell she was mad or jealous or whatever because when does her voice gets louder! "What?"I said. "Read it and tell me who she is? I grabbed my phone and read the text," "Hey man! Are you comin to Paris or are u still doin the movie thing? Makenzie is wondering, she misses you, a lot!" I looked up at Andrea. "She was ex girlfriend. Ok? I don't love her anymore because I met someone who was more beautiful than her!"I said. "Who?"She asked. "I'll tell you later!"I said "Now go get ready. We are leaving soon for dinner." "Ok!"she said. She grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom to go change. While she was in there I answered back to Nash saying,"I'm in Paris right now. I quit the movie cuz the director was an idiot! And don't tell Kenzie but I found someone who makes me feel special and I'm goin to ask her out, soon! Her name is Andrea and she's beautiful! And perfect! I'll see you guys soon, like tomorrow, at the Eiffel Tower!" I put my phone down right next to me and heard the bathroom door open. When Andrea came out the bathroom she looked perfect; in that beautiful aqua blue dress with silver belt, silver shoes, and her hair nicely straightened. She looked amazing! When she looked at me and smiled, my mouth dropped. " look......WOW!"I said. She giggle and flipped her hair. "Thanks!"She said. "You ready!" "Yeah! Let's go!"I said. We headed out the door and headed to the hotel doors and caught a cab. "Where to?"the driver said. "Le Chantecler,"I said. The driver shook his head and started to drive off. Andrea and I sat in the back, quietly. I looked at her and she looked at me. We both smiled at each other and looked away. I was nervous, really nervous to ask her to my girlfriend! But do I actually have the gut to do it? I hope so! My hands started to get clammy and my heart started to beat faster. I took a deep breath and tried to relax for the rest of the ride. And once we pulled over at the restaurant, Andrea and I got out of the car. We walked towards the door and entered the beautiful fancy restaurant. When we walked in I saw a lady standing at a small podium. "Table for two, last name Grier."I said. The lady looked at her list and smiled. She grabbed two menus and walked towards the tables. "Right this way, please,"she said. She lead us to a table and Andrea and I both sat down. "I'm Isabelle and I'm your waitress for this evening and let's start with drinks. For the young lady, what would you have?"Isabelle the waitress said. "Coke, please."Andrea said. I watched her, the way she looked, and the way her words came out of her mouth! She was.....beautiful! And when I staring at her I didn't realize the waitress asked me what I wanted. "Hayes! Hayes! She asked, what would you like!"Andrea said to me. I looked away at her. "oh sorry! Umm, lemonade please!"I said. Man, Hayes snap out of it, I thought to myself. Focus about the dinner and not drool over her!! "Alright. I'll be back with your drinks soon!"Isabelle said. Then, she walked off. "You ok, Hayes? You were staring at me, very weirdly! What's going on?"Andrea said with a smile. "Nothing, I was just thinking about what to eat, that's all!"I said. I lied. I was thinking about her! And everything about her! "Ok then?"she said. She picked up her menu and her eyes went straight at it and not at me. I wish I can just tell her, but I'm too afraid! Just say it to her! Don't be an idiot, I thought to myself. That's when the words came out flying out of y mouth! "Andrea, can I say something?"I said. She looked up and smiled. "Yeah anything!" I breathed out, heavily. "Andrea, even though we just met a couple days ago, I want to say that I...I....I like you! And I wanted to know if...."I paused. "If what?"she asked. I closed my eyes and said the rest nervously. "If you would like to we my girlfriend!" Her eyes got big and she smiled. She came close to me and said, "I don't know!" That's when my heart sank, deep. What if she says no! BUT, what if she says yes?😬
Chapter posted! Sorry I haven't been updating in a while! I have been super busy lately! But, I might post this weekend! Just letting y'all know! And thanks guys for reading this chapter!! Love y'all!!😘😘😘😘

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