Chapter 12

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[Toby's POV]
Maddy seemed pretty mad that I couldn't go after her. But I'll do anything for her! So I'm going to risk my life just to go after her! I don't care if I die going after her! I love her! She means everything to me! I started heading to my room and packed all my stuff. When I almost done, I remembered I had a picture of me and Maddy from a couple years ago when we were dating. I started smiling at it, seeing Maddy looking into my eyes and smiling. I knew she was the one for me but when we broke up, it broke my heart. And finding her on this boat made me so happy. I want to be with her, forever! But one thing is, will there be a forever, having cancer doesn't seem like there will be! But I just have to be brave and forget about it! I put the picture in my suitcase and zipped it up. I grabbed my bags and closed my door. I locked the door to my room and headed to the dock before the boat takes off. Once I got off the boat and entered the dock I saw Hayes. He was sitting down crying into his own two hands. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up and smiled at me. "Oh hey Toby. What's up?"Hayes said. "I'm going after Maddy! She's going after her friend Anna and I don't want Maddy to get hurt when she's looking Anna. And I love her and I don't anyone else to have her! She means so much to me! And um... What about you! Why are you crying man?"I told him. "I'm leaving to go to shoot a movie and since I'm leaving, I had to break up with Makenzie! But I love her! And leaving her hurts me! Seeing her cry showed me how much she cares! And all I'm doing is leaving her for movie! What should I do? My heart is broken!"Hayes said. I sat next to him and looked at him. "Look, I know you want to be with Makenzie but you also want to act in movie and have that career to take off! But when you're doing that movie and feel like that being with Makenzie is more important, then go after her! But if you don't then she wasn't meant to be yours and go after someone else! I know I'm going after Maddy but she means the world to me and I know i have lung cancer but I'm her risking my life to be with her and care for her! I love her! And I know you love Makenzie and being in that movie is important, but listen to this. Do the movie for a month or so, and if still have feelings for her then go after her! But if not, then don't! I know this sounds like a lot but this is a challenge for you! And Being in love whole having a challenge can be tough! But just believe what you believe in! And do it! Ok?"I said to Hayes. "Ok! Thanks, Toby! And I wish you luck going after Maddy!"he said to me. "You're welcome and thanks! You too!"I said. "Thanks and no problem man! And I'll see you soon. Bye Toby!"Hayes said and got up and started walking away. "Bye!"I said. Once I didn't see Hayes is when I grabbed my suitcase and started to grab a taxi to go after Maddy. I know her hometown is in Arizona and so is Anna's and Anna's boyfriend's hometown. I told the taxi driver to take me to the nearest airport and when I was in the car waiting to get the airport, I fell asleep.
I didn't know where I was! I saw white, nothing but white! Was I dying? Then I heard a familiar voice callin my name. Very softy and quietly. My vision was getting blurry but I started seeing colors, like it looked like I was in a hospital room. Someone with soft hands were holding mine. Second by second. My vision got clearer but still a little blurry. I heard beeping getting louder and louder in my ears. I was in a hospital room! I looked over to my right and saw Maddy! She was holding my hands with her head low and crying. "Toby, please! Please be awake! Please say something! I need you! This is not the time for you to leave me, forever! I love you Toby! I love you too much to loose you for good! Please answer me! Don't leave me! Please, please!"Maddy said. I looked at my hands with hers. I held it tight. Maddy looked up and smiled. "Toby! You're alive! Please don't do that again! Please! I love you so much!"she said. "I won't! Ever! I love you so much too! I'll never try smoking again! I promise! But I...I,"I said and saw white. Nothing but white, again. The beeping began to have a Long beep. I died! This can't be! "No! No! Don't leave me! Please! Please come back Toby! Please!"I heard Maddy yell. Those were the last words I heard from her. She lost me, forever. My hand gently left Maddy's hands and gently falling next to my hospital bed. I heard doctors rushing in. Taking my body away, away from the only thing I loved, Maddy!💔 [End Of Dream]
I woke up, sweating. I started crying like crazy! I never want to leave Maddy like that! She is all I ever wanted! I kept thinkin about what I just dreamt of. I realized I was still in the taxi cab and we were still driving to the airport. So I laid in my seat back and fell asleep.😩😴
Hope y'all like this chapter! Little emotional in the dream but I hope u like it! Next chapter will be posted soon! Love y'all! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘And it's ✌️👊👆✋ Yasssss!😏

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