Chapter 4

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"It's Nash!!! Just look at this picture,"Noa said showing me the picture. "Why would he do that to me,"I asked shocked at the picture. It was Nash kissing that girl from the gift shop on the beach! "I just don't understand why! He talked about you all the time while you were in Turkey,"Noa said shaking her head. "I just can't believe he lied to me! And we are getting married in a couple weeks,"I said feeling warm tear drops coming down my face. "What are you goin to do,"she asked. "I don't know.....I'm just really tired of his right now,"I said trying to wipe the tears coming down my face but they kept coming down my face. I then said,"I guess this is a sign that we aren't meant for each other! Cuz I'm done!" I then left the room leavin Noa there confused. Why Nash! Why!? [Nash's POV] After me and that girl kissed I got mad! "Why did you kiss me!? I don't love you or like you and we are just friends! I told you! I'm getting married,"I yelled at her and wiping her lipstick off my lips. "I told you, Nashy that I love you and we are meant for each other! Not you and that ugly girl with dwarf like features,"She said then laughing. "She's not ugly! You are the one that's ugly and has dwarf like features and guess what? I'm goin to marry that beautiful girl I always hanging out with cuz I love her other than you,"I yelled. "You know what Hamilton? Try explaining that kiss to your girlfriend cuz look,"She said then pointing behind me. I turned around and saw Julia standing there in shock with tears streaming down her face. Oh my gosh! What did I do?! "Why, Nash,"Julia said. "Julia, please just let me explain,"I said. "No! I just can't believe you! First I thought you were the sweetest an nicest guy that would never break my heart! But I was wrong! You are just like Alex! You were just using me! I'm goin to let you choose! Is it goin to be me or her," she said. Then she ran off towards Matt and Kaley. I can't believe she said I was just like Alex! I'm nothing like him! I wish she would just let me explain. I ran towards Julia and took her hand,"Julia let me explain!" She pulled her hand away and said,"No Nash! Just leave me alone right now till you figure everything out!" Then she walked away. I saw Kaley and Matt walking towards me. Kaley slapped me on the cheek really hard which made my cheek red like a cherry.🍒 "bruh what was that for,"I asked her. "For hurting my best friend by kissing another gurl!" Then she slapped me again on the other side and this time it was harder! "Kaley, babe, stop,"Matt said grabbing her hands and holding them. "Sorry! But why did you do that you jerk,"Kaley asked. "I didn't mean to mean to! She kissed me! I didn't kiss her back though,"I said. "Look Nash, I believe you you cuz I saw what happened but you need to talk to her! I would do it but you need to know how to do it yourself,"Kaley said. "Yeah bruh,"Matt said. "Thanks,"I said. I then ran towards the hotel that was right next the beach which we stayed at. When I got there I looked for me as Julia's hotel room. When I got to our hotel room Noa and Gabby were in there talking. "where's Julia,"I asked them. They both looked at each other and then to me. "We don't know. After I told her she ran off as that's the last time I saw her,"Noa said. I shook my head and left the room. Where could she be? I then saw Cam coming towards me. "What's wrong with Julia? All I see is her running away crying on the beach,"Cam said. "It's a long story but where did she go,"I asked. "Umm I think Starbucks!" I then ran out of the hotel and ran all the way to the Statbucks on the beach. I really want Julia to understand! [Julia's POV] I was at Starbucks and ordered a caramel frap to try to get Nash off my mind. I'm so mad at him. I wish he never have done that to me so I wouldn't feel like this; broken down and worthless! I started to cry. I wish this was just a dream I can just wake up without having to worry! Just like the 5SOS song, I wish I can just wake up with amnesia and pretend nothing ever happened! "Julia?" I heard a voice call my name. I turn around and it was Anna and Maddy!🍞☁️ "Hey! What are y'all doin here,"I asked. "We live here! We share a big beach house together,"Maddy said. "Oh..Cool,"I said wiping a rear from my eye. "What's wrong,"Anna asked. "Nash..he kissed another girl,"I said trying not to cry. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Do you want to talk about it,"Anna said. "Umm sure...I guess so,"I said. I was about to say something then Anna had a sad look on her face and pointed behind me. I turned around and saw someone I didn't want to see! NASH!😫 "Julia, please let me explain,"he said crying. "No, I can't get hurt again,"I said. "Please,"He said. He grabbed my hands and held them with his. I looked in his eyes and I fell in love with those innocent eyes. "Ok,"I said. We walked out of Starbucks and walked on the beach. "Look, that girl kissed me! I didn't kiss her back! We are only friends,"he said. "How do I know you aren't lying to me,"I asked and I stopped walking. "Because you are the only one I love and will always love,"he said staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes!😍 "well I forgive you it's just never do that ever...,"I said till Nash crashed his lips into mine. It was so perfect! I pulled away and smiled and laughed. "That's a really nice way to tell me to shut up,"I said. Nash chucked and said,"Well I'm about to do it again,"Nash said. I giggled and leaned in and kissed him!💏
Next chapter is about to be posted!👍😘

Fighting For Love [Sequel to Love Might Fail]Where stories live. Discover now