Chapter 24

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[Hayes's POV]
It's been about thirty minutes and I couldn't find Andrea, not a single site of her in the hotel. Where would she be? That's when I realized she loved the view of the city from the Eiffel Tower! I left the hotel and took a cab there. And once I got there, I could see her at the very top looking out at the city. I got out of the cab and started running up each flight of stairs to the very top. Flight after flight, then I reached to the very top. I walked around and found Andrea. I came up next to her. "beautiful, isn't it?"I said. "Hayes what are doing here!?"she asked. "I came here to tell you that you're the one for me! No one but you!"I said. "I don't know if I can believe yo...."she said till I cut her off. "believe me! Please, believe me! I love you Andrea! No one compares to you! You're unique, and you personality is too, and that's what I love about you!"i said. She looked at me. "You meant that?"she asked. "I did!" "When are you telling Makenzie?"She asked. I shrugged. "I already know now! So don't go wasting your time!"I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Makenzie. "Kenz, I'm sorry!"I said. "No, I should of known you didn't love me because you loved her more than me! I can see it in your eyes, Hayes! Andrea, look at you. You're beautiful! You're lucky to have him! And Hayes, take care of her, love her with all your heart, and don't make stupid makes again!" Makenzie said. I shook my head. "Good bye, Hayes!"she said. She turned around and left the Eiffel Tower. I looked at Andrea and smiled. "it's going to be alright, no one else is going to take your place!"i said. She blushed and kissed my cheek. "I love you,"she said.

[Maddy's POV]
Anna and I were getting off our plane. We were grabbing our luggage and walking off the plane. We saw the Eiffel Tower, standing tall and all alone in the distance. I was looking at it's beauty and remembering Toby. He said,"One day we will get married, move to Paris together, have kids, visit the Eiffel Tower every wedding anniversary, and live a happy life!" That sentence echoed in my mind as I looked at the tower and I started to cry. I couldn't help but cry and think of his beautiful face when he smiles, laughs, and the way he makes me feel when he says 'I love you!' While I was thinkin I ran into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't....."I said till I looked at the persons face. "Toby?"

"Maddy, Maddy, wake up!"Anna said. I woke up. It was just a dream! I didn't see him!😔 "yeah?" I asked. "the plane landed! It's time to leave and go to our hotel I made reservations at!"she said. "Ok, ok! Just give me a minute!"I said. I got up and grabbed me stuff. I got off the plane and walked with Anna. I looked over and saw the Eiffel Tower. I admired it's beauty as it sparkled in the Paris moon light. I kept dreaming about Toby. I couldn't get him out of my mind. I missed him so.... much! I stopped walking and looked at the Eiffel Tower. "anna, do you think, if Toby was still alive that he would be missing me right now?"I asked her. She walked towards me and and stood next to me. "Yes, he told me every night how Much he loved you while you were asleep in the hospital chair. He promised me that no matter what happens to him, he'll always love you, even though he couldn't say it one last time to you,"she said. "Really?" "Yeah! He loves you with all his heart! Where ever he is in heaven, he's thinking of you! He misses you! He loves you!"she said. A tear stoke down my face. I looked at Anna. "Thanks!" I said. i wiped the tear from my eye. "Well, umm we Bette get goin!"I continued. Anna shook her head. We walked towards the airport, but something stopped me. There was a person walking in front of me that turned around and looked at me. He stopped walking and his eyes were locked on mine. "Toby!"I yelled. He looked at me smiled. "Maddy!"🙊😱😱
Oooh! Is he dead or not??? Well y'all will find out soon! Next Chapter MIGHT be posted soon!!😘Love y'all! And Happy Valentine's Day!!!💘💘

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