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‘When will you be able to come home again?’, I asked, Mark before he left to re-join the boys after Christmas 1995.

‘I think it’ll be sooner than you think’, Mark whispered into my ear, as he held me close.

‘What do you mean?’, I asked, stepping back from him.

‘Nothing’, Mark shrugged.

‘No seriously’, I said, ‘What do you mean?’

‘You can’t tell anyone, okay?’, Mark replied.

‘You know I won’t’, I said, rolling my eyes.

‘I think, I think the band is going to break up’, Mark told me.

‘What?’, I gasped, ‘But you guys are doing so well!’

‘Yeah, but it’s not the same Jules’, Mark sighed, ‘It hasn’t been the same since Rob left.’

‘But Mark, what will you do once the band is over?’, I asked.

‘I think I’m gonna try a solo project’, Mark said.

‘You’ve, really thought about this haven’t you?’, I replied.

‘Yeah, and Gary is planning the same thing. We’ve talked about it’, Mark said, ‘All we need to do is say it to How and Jay, but I’m pretty sure they’ll agree.’

‘Well if you’re sure’, I sighed, ‘Then I’ll support you all the way.’

‘I haven’t told you the best part yet!’, Mark beamed, ‘When I leave the band, we can finally go public! We won’t have to hide our relationship anymore!’

‘Really?’, I gasped.

‘Really’, Mark grinned, picking me up and twirling me around.

‘I love you Markie’, I giggled, when he let me down again.

‘I love you too Jules’, Mark said, pushing a piece of my hair away from my face before kissing me gently on the lips.

I guess the next month was strange, as Mark left to sort things out with the boys and Nigel.

In the mean-time, I was performing regularly in different shows, and had even gained a few fans.

I was backstage after the closing night of my latest show, when a man in his early forties approached me.

‘Hello Julie, how are you?’, he asked, sitting down beside me.

‘I’m good’, I replied, ‘I’m sorry, but do I know you?’

‘Oh I’m sorry’, the man apologised, ‘My name is Jeremy, Jeremy Kent.’

‘Nice to meet you Jeremy’, I smiled, shaking his hand, ‘Is there something I can do for you?’

‘Well I was wondering if I could do something for you actually’, Jeremy said, ‘Julie, I’m a casting director from London. I’ve been to a few of your performances here in Manchester, and I think you’re a real talent.’

‘Oh thank you!’, I gasped.

‘So’, Jeremy continued, ‘I wanted to ask you if you would come and audition for a new television programme for the BBC.’

‘I’d love to!’, I said, ‘When and where?’

‘The auditions are being held next week’, Jeremy replied, ‘In London. Would you be able to make it?’

‘I think so’, I nodded.

‘Great’, Jeremy replied, ‘I’ll get your details, and contact you with more information.’

‘Okay’, I beamed, ‘Thank you Jeremy.’

‘No problem, I hope to see you next week’, Jeremy said, before he left.

That night I called Mark to tell him about what had happened that day ( After I told my parents and Hannah ).

‘That’s amazing Jules!’, he said to me, ‘I’m so proud of you.’

‘Thanks Markie’, I replied, ‘How are things in camp Take That?’

‘Okay, I guess’, Mark sighed, ‘We had a meeting today, and surprisingly, Martin agreed that the band had achieved as much as it could.’

‘How did Howard and Jason take it?’, I asked.

‘Jason was happy, and Howard was a little quiet’, Mark replied, ‘But he’s always quiet, so it wasn’t that strange. I’m sure he’s fine with it.’

‘Well that’s good’, I said, ‘I’d better get to bed, but I’ll call you tomorrow. Okay?’

‘Sure, talk then’, Mark replied, and after saying we loved each other, we hung up the phone.

The next few days, Jeremy contacted me with the details about my audition, and before long I was on a train to London.

The show that I was auditioning for was a type of Soap Opera called ‘The Street’ and it sounded really good.

The character that I was auditioning for was called ‘Tanya Dean’ and she lived with her father and brother, as her mother had died when she was a child.

I didn’t know what the plot lines were that my character would be involved with, but I was sure they were great.

So I went to the audition, and thankfully it went great.

I was back home in Manchester that evening when my phone began to ring.

‘Hello?’, I answered it.

‘Hi Julie this is Jeremy’, the familiar voice answered, ‘I just wanted to tell you that you have the part. You’re officially a cast member in ‘The Street’!’

‘Oh my God!’, I gasped, ‘Oh my God thank you so much!’

‘I’m glad you’re so happy’, Jeremy laughed, ‘So, you’ll be have to be in London tomorrow week for the first day of shooting, is that okay?’

‘Of course!’, I replied, ‘I can’t wait!’

‘Great’, Jeremy said, ‘You’re going to love living in London.’

It was then that it hit me. I wouldn’t be able to live in Manchester anymore.

I knew that once Mark left the band that he definitely wouldn’t want to live in London, as he had done for nearly the last six years. He would want to escape from all of that madness.

So what was I going to do now?

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