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'What do you mean worse Jules?', Mark gasped, his eyes full with tears.

'It's at stage IV', I replied, 'It's spread to my lymph nodes.'

'Oh my God', Mark whispered, taking a seat on a stool, 'I, I can't believe it.You're been healthy with so many years.'

'I know', I said, sitting down beside him.

'Is treatment an option?', Mark asked, turning around to me and taking hold of my hands, 'You will get better, right?'

'I have to start chemo and radiotherapy again', I explained, 'Hopefully they'll work like the last time.'

'Jules', Mark gasped,'I'm so, sorry. I just didn't know why you'd lie to me. I love you so much, and we're going to get you the best treatment and  consultants.'

'Thank you', I whispered, giving him a small smile, 'Why don't we go to bed? It's been a long day.'

'Of course', Mark said, 'Let's go.'

Surprisingly, I slept soundly that night lying with my head on Mark's chest.

When I woke the next morning I sighed happily as I peeked up at the beautiful sight of him sleeping, but then I remembered everything and the smile slowly faded from my face.

Mark's POV:

'Mark seriously, I'm fine. Mam has the kids and I know you want to go to the boys. So go!', Julie urged, as we stood in the hall of our home, 'Don't let me delay your writing!'

It had been over a year and a half since Julie had gotten her news that her cancer was back. She had gone for treatment, but the cancer was more aggressive, so she was still having treatment.

After the success of'Beautiful World', the boys were bulling to make another album. Honestly, my mind was too full of what was going on with Julie, but she was making me go and write so that it would take my mind off things.

It was like a few months before when she forced me to go on tour with them. I knew that the boys were counting on me, but I hated leaving Julie and the kids. Thankfully, we came to a compromise; I would go on tour if she stayed with her parents in Oldham. I actually enjoyed the tour. There were alot of laughs, and a lot of alcohol consumed each night. It was really fun.

'Okay I'm going', I sighed, bending down and giving her a kiss, 'I love you.'

'Love you too', Julie smiled, 'Now go before the kids miss you.'

'Okay, okay', I laughed as she began to giggle.

When I got Abbey Road studios, where we were recording our next album, I got the usual greeting from the three boys, 'How's Julie doing?'

After telling them the latest news, we got settled down to some work. We had already decided the album would be called 'Circus' as Gaz had already written an amazing ballad with the same name. Plus it described all our lives, we really were living in a circus with all the madness that surrounded us.

A few hours past, and the others were all being really productive. I on the other hand just spent most of the time thinking about Julie.

'Markie, do you want to come with us out for lunch or will we bring something back for you?', Howard asked, eventually breaking me out of my trance.

'Will you bring me something back please?', I asked, digging out my wallet.

'Of course', Howard smiled, taking the money I was handing him, 'See you soon.'

'Bye', I said, as he and Jason and Gary left.

A few minutes past before I wandered over to the piano. Sitting down I began to play a simple melody. Before I knew it, lyrics were coming into my mind: 'Julie,what's your problem? Won't you tell me what's going on?'

By the time the others had come back I had written a whole song. Of course the title had to be'Julie'.

Excited, I played it to the boys and they immediately all loved it. Jason then added in the guitar, Gary played the piano melody and Howard added backing vocals while I sang lead vocals, and that's how we recorded it.

I went home that night ecstatic. I hadn't been so excited about a song that I had written in a long time, and I couldn't wait for Julie to hear it.


 Hey guys, 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading!




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