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I spent the rest of the week staying with Hannah (Telling Mark she was going through a tough time and she needed me) trying to help her through her predicament.

She refused to tell Emmett about what happened between herself and Robbie, and planned to keep the baby letting her fiancée think that it was his.

And it could have been, there was only a slight chance that the baby was Robbie's.

It didn't stop her feeling guilty though, and she spent most of her time in bed, hidden under the covers while Emmett was at work. I took care of Leah.

Eventually, I went back to Mark. If I stayed on any longer I knew that Hannah would begin to depend on me more and more. Plus she needed to tell Emmett that she was pregnant.

When I arrived home I could hear Mark talking in the kitchen. I presumed he was alone, because there was no other car in the drive-way except mine and his. I made my way to the kitchen to investigate further.

'I told you already!', Mark said into his phone, ' I have too much on my plate at the moment, and anyway, I'm not taking part unless he's doing it!'

I walked further into the kitchen and waved when Mark saw me.

'Uh Gary I have to go, Julie is home', Mark said, 'Yeah, call me later. Bye!'

'Wow that sounded intense', I smirked, as he walked towards me with a big smile on his face, 'Gary being grumpy?'

'Forget about him, I'll explain later', Mark replied, wrapping his arms around me, before whispering into my ear, 'I've missed you.'

'Me too', I said happily, before kissing him before moving away, 'I'm just gonna put my bags upstairs.'

'Wait', Mark replied, stopping me from walking away, 'I'll do it. Be two minutes.'

'Okay, thanks', I smiled, sitting down on one of the kitchen stools.

'So, what was up with Gary?', I asked, when he returned.

Mark sighed before shrugging and saying, 'Nigel wants us to do this reunion thing for the fans.'

'Really?', I asked, 'That actually sounds cool. What's the problem?'

'Rob refused to do it, so I did too ', Mark replied, 'I don't want to go back to Take That without him, it wouldn't feel right. What do you think?'

'I think you should do it', I said, 'It would be an amazing thing to do for the fans. Mark they truly loved you all, don't forget that.'

'But it's been nearly eight years since we split Julie', Mark sighed, 'Do you think they would even be interested?'

'Yeah', I nodded, 'I think they would.'

'But Rob isn't doing it', Mark said, before I cut him off.

'Mark, Robbie doesn't rule your life, screw him', I said, getting annoyed.

'Okay, what's up?', Mark asked, grabbing hold of my hand, 'I thought you made up with Rob, like Hannah did. What's changed?'

I took a deep breathe, if Mark really wanted to know why I detested Robbie, then I would just have to tell him.

'Because he's selfish', I said, and before Mark could cut in I continued, 'The night of the show in Knebworth, he slept with Hannah.'

'What?', Mark gasped, 'Are you serious?'

'Yeah', I nodded, 'Mark he only cares for himself. He didn't care that Han was cheating on her fiancé, he just wanted a thrill for himself. Now, okay, Hannah shouldn't have consented and should have known better, but she was drunk. Robbie was sober, he knew what he was doing. So Mark, that's what changed. I thought Robbie had changed but he proved he hasn't that night.'

'That's why Hannah's been so depressed?', Mark asked.

'Yeah', I said, before nearly whispering, 'Plus, she's pregnant.'

'With Emmett's baby, right?', Mark asked slowly.

'Hopefully, but it might be Robbie's', I explained, shrugging.

'Does Rob know?', Mark asked, his eyes practically bulging.

'No, and he's not going to find out', I replied, 'Hannah only wants Emmett to raise the baby with her. She never wants to know who the biological father really is. Mark, Robbie suits himself, so why can't you? A Take That reunion might be the best thing you ever do. At least reconsider it.'

'You know, you're right', Mark sighed, ruffling his hair, 'And I have missed the boys. I can't remember the last time I've seen Howard and Jason.'

'So you'll do it?', I asked, moving closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

'Yeah, if it doesn't upset our adoption plans', Mark smiled, putting his hands on my waist, 'That's my first priority.'

'I have a feeling the next year will be pretty exciting then', I grinned, kissing him gently on the lips, 'We'll finally have a family.'

Hey guys,

I hope you all liked this chapter!

Thanks for reading!




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