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'A baby?', Mark asked, moving slightly away from me.

'A baby', I confirmed, 'Mark, I've always wanted one and now I'm twenty nine years of age and I feel my life is flashing before my eyes. When I see Hannah with Leah, and even Gary and Dawn with Daniel and Emily, it eats me up inside.'

'But, but, you can't have kids Jules', Mark said.

'Yeah but we can adopt, or something!', I replied, 'Mark I want to be a mother.'

'You really want this, don't you?', Mark sighed.

'More than anything', I said.

'Then let's do it!', Mark replied.

'Are you serious?', I laughed.

'Yeah', Mark beamed, 'Let's adopt a baby!'

'Mark I love you!', I said, engulfing him in a hug, 'I love you so much.'

'I love you too Jules', Mark laughed, 'More than anything. You know, if we get a baby then we won't have much time for anything else.'

'Yeah?', I smirked, sitting on his lap.

'Yeah', Mark said, 'So, I think we should take advantage of the time we have left alone.'

'Yeah, me too', I replied, lifting up his face to kiss him.

You probably all know how we spent the rest of the night.

The next morning we showered together after waking up, and then headed down for breakfast.

We had agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone about our adoption plans until we had gotten more information on it.

When we made it down to the dining room, hand in hand, the first person I saw was Hannah.

Sitting alone, she looked like death with her hair a mess and only a glass of orange juice in front of her.

'God she looks awful!', I whispered to Mark.

'Yeah', he agreed, 'What about you head over and I'll get our food?'

'Okay, thanks Markie', I replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

As I walked closer to Hannah's table I could get the stale smell of alcohol, and by the time I had reached her I was nearly gassed by it.

'Uh, hey Han', I said, as she sat with her head in her hands, 'Are you okay?'

'Julie?', Hannah croaked, barely looking up at me, 'Is that you?'

JulieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora