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'Is the tall hot guy with black hair going to be there?', Hannah asked, before we went to Mark's house, the next day.

'Yeah I think so, he said they'd all be there', I replied, fixing my wig into place, 'By the way, I think his name is Robbie.'

'Mmmm Robbie', Hannah smiled, 'I like that name.'

'Oh God!', I groaned, 'Come on, lets go.'

With that we went on our way to Mark's house, AKA we went next door.

'Jules!', Mark beamed, when he answered the door to let us in, 'Finally you're here!'

With that, he engulfed me in a hug, while Hannah awkwardly stood by my side.

'Hey Mark, it's good to see you too', she said sarcastically, as Mark let me go.

'I'm sorry', Mark apologized, blushing, 'Hi Hannah, it's great to see you. Come in, both of you. The boys are here already.'

With that, he led us into the small living room, where four guys were waiting for us.

I instantly recognized them from the pictures I had seen of them on various magazines, and honestly, I was a little starstruck.

'Jules, Hannah, this is Rob, Howard, Jason, and Gary', Mark said, pointing to each of them in turn, 'Lads, this Julie, and Hannah.'

'It's great to finally meet you all', I smiled.

'Yeah', Hannah said, 'It's kinda surreal to meet actual celebrities!'

'I wouldn't say we're celebrities', the guy that I recognized as Jason Orange replied.

'Do you want to sit down?', Howard asked me, standing up from his seat.

'It's fine', I said, 'I'm okay.'

'No I insist', he replied.

'Thank you', I smiled at him, as I walked over and sat down.

After that we all quickly settled into friendly conversation, and I instantly warmed to Howard, not because he gave me his seat, but because he seemed like a really genuine guy. Jason was lovely too, and I could tell that Robbie was a total flirt ( Hannah ended up sitting on his knee ), but he was also really funny. 

Actually, the only one that I didn't particularly take to was Gary. During the whole time we were there he just sat stiffly in a corner, and only spoke if he was boasting, or correcting someone if they said something wrong.

During the whole time that I was chatting to the guys, I could feel Mark looking over at me smiling.

'Can we tell you something if you promise not to tell Mark, because he'd kill us?', Jason asked me, when Mark had left the room to make tea.

'Uh, sure', I shrugged, 'What is it?'

'He's crazy about you', Robbie replied, from across the room.

'Yeah, he's always talking about you', Gary added.

'We're just good friends', I reassured them, 'That''s probably why he talks about me so much.'

'Why don't you go and help him with the tea?', Howard suggested, 'He might need a hand.'

'Okay', I shrugged before standing up and walking out of the room.

When I got to the kitchen, Mark was searching for biscuits in the kitchen cupboard.

'Hey, I said I'd come out and help you', I told him, when he saw me.

'You don't have to', Mark replied, giving me his now famous smile, 'I don't want you getting weak or anything.'

'I'll be fine', I said, walking over to him, 'Thank you for inviting us over today Mark, the guys are really nice.'

'I'm glad you like them', Mark smiled, 'Rob is probably my favourite.'

'He seems to be Han's favourite too', I laughed.

'Who's yours?', Mark asked, as he handed me a biscuit.

'You of course', I replied.

'Even after everything I did to you?', Mark asked.

'Markie I thought we were after getting past that', I said, 'I forgave you, you know that.'

'I know, but I guess I just still feel guilty', Mark shrugged.

'Don't, it's okay', I smiled, 'I just want my best friend back.'

'Yeah, and you do', Mark said, 'But Jules, I have to admit something.'

'What is it?', I asked, confused.

'I don't see you as a friend anymore, and I don't think I ever will again', Mark replied, holding my hand.

'Mark', I said, not able to make eye contact with him.

'Julie, it was when I was away from you that I realized how much I care about you, Mark replied, 'I would do anything to get a second chance with you.'

Despite myself, I knew that no matter how many times I tried to deny it, I felt the same. Mark was always more than just a friend to me, and I knew that he always would be.

'Promise that you won't hurt me again, because I don't think I could go through that again', I told him.

'I promise I won't hurt you, and I promise I'll take care of you, forever', Mark whispered, and then he took my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips.

In that moment all of my cares went away, and the only thing I was aware of was Mark. My soul-mate. 


Hey guys,

I'm sorry I'm updating this pretty late, but I had to watch the boys on the X Factor. THEY WERE AMAZING!

Anyway, thank you all for reading.




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