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'So you came here because of her?', my room-mate Peter asked me, 'For your woman?'

'She's more than that', I sighed, lying back on my bed, 'Julie is my everything, I love her more than anything. I know we only have a few years left together and I want to make them the best years of her life.'

'Fair play to you, not many men would do what you're doing', Peter replied.

'Thanks', I smiled over at him, before turning to stare up at the ceiling.

'Mark?', a nurse called, before walking into the room, 'Your phone call time is starting.'

'Oh!', I said, jumping up off the bed, 'Okay, thanks.'

I had been here in the clinic for just over two weeks, and I had one more week to go. Although I thought before I arrived that my experience in there would be hell, rehab wasn't that bad. I had even made some good friends. It was difficult to stop the drinking though, I often longed for a big glass of red wine, but I just thought of Julie and the kids and the thought of alcohol would disappear. During my stay I also couldn't have access to my mobile phone, newspapers, the internet, or live TV, and only got one phone call a week. I always called Jules.

When I reached the phone banks, there was one phone vacant, and I quickly dialed the only number I knew off by heart.

'Hello?', the voice that I loved asked, after a few minutes.

'Hey Jules', I replied, 'It's me.'

'Mark!', she gasped,'I thought your phone call wasn't until tomorrow! It's so good to hear your voice.'

'Yours too babe', I said, not able to contain my smile, 'So how are the kids?'

'The kids are great, I was just playing Lego with them', Julie replied, 'They miss you though, as do I. I can't wait to see you Markie.'

'Only a week left Jules and I'm all yours', I said, before dropping my voice a little, 'So how are you? Are you sore or anything?'

'A little', Julie admitted, 'The pain is worse in the morning than it used to be. Apart from that though I'm great.'

'Good', I said, 'Have you been in touch with the boys?'

Eventually, my time on the phone came to an end and I had to end my conversation with Julie .After we told each we loved one another, I had to hang-up.

I then went back to my dorm, to spend the rest of the evening curled up reading a book.

Julie's POV:

I tapped the wheel of the car impatiently. I was waiting for Mark to be released from the clinic, and all I wanted to do was run up and kiss him. it was taking ages though and my patience was wearing thin.

Eventually, I saw the glass front door of the huge building open, and then I saw him. Beaming, as he briskly walked towards the car, I jumped out and ran over to him.

'Hey', he smiled, as we wrapped our arms around each other.

'Mark I've missed you so much', I sighed, breathing in his familiar scent, 'How are you feeling?'

'I'm good, really good Jules', he said, when we parted, 'I'm just so thrilled to be coming home.'

'The kids can't wait to see you', I replied, as we walked hand-in-hand to the car, 'They didn't sleep last night they were so excited.'

Mark laughed before turning serious and then asked, 'How are you Jules? Have you been in much pain?'

I sighed, deciding to be honest with him, 'Yeah, the pain comes and goes but when it does come it's pretty intense.'

'Well don't worry, I'll be home to mind you now', Mark replied, as we got into the car.

When we arrived home, Mark's parents, my parents, Gary, Howard, Jason, Robbie and the kids were waiting gleefully. I've never seen so much hugging and kissing in all my life, but everyone was so thrilled that they couldn't help their behavior.

I just stayed in the background and watched happily.

My mother had prepared dinner, an shortly after we all ate people began to make their way home.

After putting the kids to bed that night (They were expectantly exhausted), Mark and I finally had some time alone.

'I thought we would celebrate with a big bottle of', I began as we walked into th ekitchen, watching Mark's face drop as I spoke, 'Pepsi. Sound good?'

Mark laughed, 'I thoughty ou were going to say wine for a moment. Yeah, Pepsi sounds great.'

'Good', I smiled,walking over to one of the cupboards and getting the bottle of cola along with two glasses.

'You're too good to me Jules', Mark said, as I gave him one of the full glasses.

'I know', I shrugged,before I began giggling, 'But I love you, what else can I do?'

'And I love you', he replied, pulling me onto his lap and kissing me.

'I think we should wait for anything else until we're in bed', I giggled, when we eventually parted after a pretty intense make-out session.

'You're right', Mark nodded, as I took a seat in the chair beside him, 'I have something to ask you anyway.'

'Yeah?', I asked, taking a sip of my cola, 'What is it?'

'Well', Mark started, 'As you might remember, I asked you something a few weeks ago and you said you'd agree if I did something. Now, I've done that thing, and I want to ask that question again.'

'Do you me-', I started, before I stopped as he began to rummage into one of his pockets.

'Yes', he said, taking his hand out of his pocket with a familiar black box in it. He then went down on one knee.

'Oh my god', I giggled nervously.

'Julie Henderson', Mark started, as he looked up at me, 'Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?'

'Yes', I nodded,immediately.

'Yes?', Mark asked, a he began to grin.

'Yes!', I exclaimed,'Of course I'll become your wife!'

With that Mark gently placed the diamond engagement ring on my ring finger.

'I love you so much!', he said, placing his hands on both sides of my face.

'I love you too', I whispered, tears coming into my eyes.

With that we kissed, and at that moment I couldn't think of anything else. It was just Mark and I.


Hey guys, 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Thank you all so much for reading.




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