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The next few weeks past in a happy blur as Mark and I constantly talked on the phone, even though his manager said that he, and the rest of the boys in the band, couldn't have girlfriends. 

I was scared that Mark might get in trouble, but he told me that he didn't care, and that Rob ( The guy that Hannah had said was cute in the club ) also had a girlfriend, so he wasn't the only one breaking the rules.

Eventually the time came for the boys to releases their first single 'Do What U Like', and Hannah was with me at my house when Mark came over to show us the video.

'Are you excited?', Hannah asked me, as we waited for Mark to arrive in my living room, 'It's not every day that your BOYFRIEND is his his own music video.'

'That still sounds so strange', I laughed, 'Mark and I have been friends our whole lives, and to be calling him my boyfriend now sounds, weird.'

'You're happy about it though, aren't you?', Hannah asked me.

'More than you'll ever know', I beamed.

A few minutes later Mark arrived at my house.

'Hey Jules', he said, walking into the living room, and then kissed me on the lips.

'Hey', I giggled, blushing as we parted.

'I'm here too you know', Hannah said, waving her arms around.

'I'm sorry, hello Hannah', Mark replied, 'How could I ever have not noticed you?'

'I don't know', Hannah said, sticking out her tongue at him, 'Now, are you going to be show us this video or not?'

'Um', Mark mumbled, and blushed, 'Before we watch it I just want to warn you. It's a bit, different to other music videos, and may, surprise you.'

'Okay, okay I'm sure it's not that bad', I laughed, taking the video from Mark's hand, and putting it into the VCR before he could complain.

I then went and sat down on Mark's lap, and pressed play.

The next three minutes were, awkward, at the very least. 

The video consisted of Mark and the boys slithering around in cream on the floor dressed in ridiculous leather clothing, getting jelly rubbed on their bare chests, oh, and their bare arses being on show.

'What do you think of it?', Mark asked, when it finished.

'I'm scarred', Hannah said, eyes still glued to the TV screen.

'It was, different Mark', I replied, hitting Hannah on the arm to shut her up, 'Definetly, different.'

'Well that's good, right?', Mark asked, 'Martin said we needed to shock people.'

'Oh you'll definitely do that!', Hannah butted in, before I hit her in the arm again.

'I'm sure it will do great Mark', I reassured him, 'I believe in you guys.'

'Thanks Jules', Mark smiled, kissing me once more.

'I really need a boyfriend', Hannah grumbled, covering her eyes with her hands.

Not surprisingly, the boy's video caused a lot of controversy, and was even banned from many channels on the TV. 

This was apparently all in Martin's 'Master plan' for the group, according to Mark. 

Randomly, the boys then embarked on a 'Safe Sex' tour, where they travelled around the country performing in schools and preaching about the importance of protected sex, and then in the evenings they would perform at teenage nightclubs.

Despite their efforts to promote 'Do What U Like', it still slumped in the charts at number 82.

'I honestly can't believe it', Mark rang me, disappointed, 'We really thought it would do well.'

'Well I bought it, and Hannah bought it', I said, 'Plus everyone in my drama group. Don't worry Mark, I'm sure the second single will be a smash!'

A week later I was shopping with Hannah, trying to pick out something nice to wear to my and Mark's next date, when he was finished touring with the band.

'What about this one?', Hannah suggested, picking up a bright pink dress from one of the rails in the third shop we had gone in to.

I crinkled up my nose before replying, 'It's a bit, loud. I want something more, subtle.'

'Gotcha!', Hannah winked at me.

Two hours later, and two shops later, I finally found my perfect dress. It was cream, with no sleeves and came to the knee.

'I love it!', I said, grabbing it off the rail.

'Well go and try it on then!', Hannah smirked, rolling her eyes.

'Come in with me in case I need help', I said, pulling Hannah along with me, as I made my way to the dressing rooms.

'I'll be two minutes, I promise', I told Hannah, once we were in a stall together, 'Now turn around.'

'I am! I am!', Hannah replied, spinning around one hundred degrees, and folding her arms across her chest.

I sighed, and then began to take off my clothes, but winced as my hand hit off a small mole on the bottom of my back.

'You okay?', Hannah asked, turning around.

'Yeah I'm fine', I said, still wincing, 'Turn around! I don't want you to see me in my underwear!'

'Julie grow up, I'm your best friend' , Hannah rolled her eyes, moving closer to my back, 'What is that?'

'It's just a mole or something', I shrugged.

'How long has it been there?', Hannah asked.

'A few months maybe', I guessed.

'And it's sore when you touch it?', Hannah wondered.

'What is this? Twenty questions?', I asked, smirking, 'But yeah it is. I ignore it though.'

'Julie', Hannah said, making me look at her straight in the eye, 'I think you should get that checked out.'

'Fine, I will', I sighed, 'Now, will you help me put this dress on? I want to look perfect for Mark.'

I didn't know it then, but I would be wearing that dress to more than my next date with Mark. Something much more morbid.


Hey guys, 

I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

Thanks for reading! 




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