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'What are we doing up here Mummy?', Lucas asked, as I sat him on my lap.

'We're going to watch Daddy sing with his friends', I replied, pointing down at the stage from where we were seated in one of the private boxes in the Stadium of Manchester.

'Is Mark going to be dancing too?', Leah, Hannah's daughter asked, as she sat down beside us.

'Yeah, but Jason and Howard are going to be dancing more', Hannah said, as she sat down beside her, 'And Gary will, try.'

'Han there's no need for mocking!', I laughed, hitting her on the arm, 'Gary is after improving since the 90's.'

'We'll see', she replied, smirking as she pulled David, who had been happily pottering around the room, onto her lap, 'It's so exciting to be at a Take That concert again!'

'I know', I agreed, 'I never thought I would see Mark on stage with the boys again.'

Hannah and I stayed chatting for the next thirty minutes until the show began.

Mark had given nothing away with what it entailed, and the only way I felt when it finished, two and a half hours later, was astonished.

The boys had always had amazing shows in the first stage of their career, but this show was something else. It was amazing!

'Hey guys!', Mark beamed, as he walked into the room after it ended.

Sweaty and stiff, he looked exhausted, but his eyes told a different story. He looked like he was high, and if I hadn't known that he was just after coming off stage after performing for 60,000 people, I would have thought he was after taking something.

'Mark you were amazing!', Hannah exclaimed, as his mother and father hugged him.

'Thank you', Mark beamed, before making his way over to me.

'Wow', I said, when he was in front of me, 'Just wow.'

'Is that a good wow or a bad wow?', he asked, frowning.

'A good wow of course!', I replied, with a grin on my face, 'I've never seen you perform so well. It was astounding!'

'Lucas didn't see it all?', Mark asked, indicating down to our son, who was asleep in the buggy I had brought with us.

'He just missed the last thirty minutes', I said, 'I promise.'

'Okay then', Mark smiled down at our son, before looking back up at me, 'Are you ready to party?'

'But, Lucas?', Iasked, puzzled.

'We're taking him for the night', Mark's mother said, walking up from behind me, 'Don't worry Julie, we'll take good care of him.'

I didn't like the idea of leaving Lucas, but I knew how excited Mark was and I couldn't let him down.

'Okay', I said, giving a slight sigh, 'I'll be around to collect him first thing in the morning.'

'Of course', Mary smiled, taking hold of the buggy, 'Have a good night you two.'

'We will', Mark beamed, putting his arm around me as I stood up, 'Thanks Mum!'

'Wait!', I said, when Mark and I had gotten into the Range Rover we had arrived at the stadium in, 'How are we going to get home? I thought we'd be leaving straight after the show?'

'Why go home when you can stay in a four star hotel here in the city?', Mark smirked, wrapping his arm tighter around me.

'Are you serious?', I asked, 'Wow I haven't had this kind of treatment in years!'

'Aw thanks!', Mark replied, squeezing my side, 'We're gonna have a good night tonight!'

And we did.

After going to our room to get ready, Mark and I joined everyone else involved in the tour, including the dancers and stage technicians as well as the other three boys, and we partied until the early hours of the following morning.

The next morning, I woke up in Mark's arms hung-over, but happy.

'Good morning', I whispered, kissing him on his stubbly cheek.

'Morning', he groaned, slowly opening his eyes, 'How are you?'

'Alright, just a bit tired', I replied, 'You?'

'I have a headache',Mark said, pulling himself up on the bed using his elbows.

'I have pain killers inmy bag', I told him, as I slipped out of bed, 'I'll get you some water.'

With that I made my way into the bathroom.

'You know Gary and I were talking last night', Mark said, when I came back out with the glass of water in my hand.

'Yeah?', I asked, sitting back down on the bed.

'Yeah he was telling me that he and Dawn are trying for another baby', he replied, before swallowing the tablet.

'Really?', I gasped,'That's great. I had a feeling that he was still broody after Emily was born.'

'Yeah', Mark smiled,'And it got me thinking. You always said you wanted three kids. What if we adopted twins?'

'What?!', I gasped, my mouth opening in surprise, 'Mark we only adopted Lucas two years ago!'

'So?', Mark asked, grinning, 'I know he would love more siblings. Money isn't a problem, and I'd love to have a little girl that I could treat like a princess.'

'But twins', I said, breathlessly, 'That's a big responsibility. We'd have three children under the age of five. It would be a mad house.'

'Isn't that what we both want though?', Mark asked, wrapping his arm around me, 'Imagine it Jules, it would be amazing.'

I sighed before looking at him and smiling.

I knew that he was right, I always wanted a big family. It was just a little out of the blue, unexpected.

'Okay', I said after a few minutes, 'Let's do it.'

'Yes!', Mark exclaimed, punching the air, 'I love you Jules.'

'I love you', I smiled as he pulled me into his arms.


Hey guys, 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.




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