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The next few weeks were horrible as I came to terms with what had been done to me.

Of course, I knew that the doctors had no choice, but to remove my womb. It didn’t mean that I wasn’t upset though, and I slowly felt myself sink into a depression.

On top of that, I had to begin chemotherapy once again.

 I had to also quit my job, because they couldn’t wait for me to get better to start filming.

My life was a mess.

The only thing that I was happy about was that Mark was now all mine.  He was finally finished with Take That, and was now planning a solo career.

To make this easier, and for me to be near a hospital for my chemo, we moved back to Oldham.

I really didn’t want to be near London, now that the show hadn’t worked out.

‘What do you think babe?’, Mark asked, when we arrived at the new house we had bought together.

‘It’s gorgeous Mark, I love it’, I smiled, while he held me close.

With its three storey height, five bedrooms, and three bathrooms, the house was much bigger than any place I had lived in before.

Despite myself, I couldn’t get very excited about it though, because my mind was so full with fear about my illness.

Everyone was really positive and said that I would get through it like I had before, but it didn’t stop me being nervous.

I had started the chemo, and it made me sick already. I was dreading losing my hair.

‘Are you okay Jules?’, Mark asked, as he sat me down in the huge living room.

‘Yeah, just feeling a little ill’, I replied, relaxing into the couch.

‘Well I kind of have to get to the studio’, Mark said, ‘But I don’t want to leave you if you’re feeling unwell.’

‘Mark go’, I replied, looking up at him, ‘Hannah is coming over to see me later. I’ll be fine.’

‘If you’re sure’, Mark said.

‘I am’, I nodded, ‘Now go!’

‘Okay, okay’, Mark giggled, kissing me, ‘Love you.’

‘Love you too’, I smiled, as Mark left the room.

Once he was gone, I went about tidying the place.

We had just moved in a few days before, so all our stuff was still all over the place. I hated seeing the house in a mess, so I had to organize it.

I was upstairs in our bedroom, when I heard the phone ring from downstairs.

‘Hello?’, I answered it, when I reached it.

‘Hello, is this Julie Henderson?’, a  male voice asked on the other line.

‘Yes’, I replied, ‘Who is this?’

‘Julie I’m John Wright, and I’m a journalist for the ‘Daily Sun’ newspaper’, the male said, ‘I have been informed that you’re dating, and living with,  pop hunk Mark Owen, is this true?’

Gobsmacked, I struggled to answer.

I had never been contacted by any paparazzi in all the years that I had been dating Mark, and couldn’t believe it that it was now happening.

‘Um, I’m sorry, I can’t speak you to’, I stuttered.

‘So you’re not denying it then?’, John asked, ‘You are dating Mark.’

‘Um’, I said, trying to think of an answer, ‘I, I told you I can’t speak to you.’

With that I put down the phone, ending the call.

I told Mark about the incident that evening when he had returned from the studio.

‘How did they find out?’, Mark asked, pacing across the living room, while I sat on the couch.

‘Maybe they saw us together somewhere?’, I suggested, ‘It could have happened.’

‘Yeah I guess that’s it’, Mark sighed, sitting down beside me, ‘Look Jules, I’m sorry. You’re going to be getting a lot of attention from the media from now on. I know it’s going to be hard with going to the hospital and everything.’

‘It’s okay Mark’, I replied, ‘I’ll manage.’

And that’s what I did.

In the weeks that came, I got A LOT of attention from the media, but thankfully it was overshadowed by the drama between Gary and Robbie.

Since Take That had split, Gary had begun a solo career, and so had his former bandmate.  However as Gary got on with his career, Robbie had begun bitching about Gary and saying horrible things about him.

I actually felt sorry for Gary because he didn’t deserve it, and supported him one hundred percent. It was a lot worse for Mark though as Robbie had been his best friend in the band, and he couldn’t believe he could say such hurtful things.

Gary’s relationship with Dawn had also gone public.

I guess with all the attention I was getting, there couldn’t have been a worse time for my hair to start falling out from the chemo, but that it did.

Thankfully though, I got a custom made wig that looked surreally realistic.

At least Mark was on the right track with his album though, and as the time came closer to its release, the excitement began to build.

Everyone thought that Gary, and even Robbie were going to be the big stars, but I had a feeling that Mark would outstage all of them.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.


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