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So all was perfect again, Robbie and Hannah were back together, I was happy and healthy, Take That were going from strength to strength, and Mark and I were completely in love.

That Summer, of 1994, was the happiest I had been in years, and was made even better when Mark invited me to stay at Gary’s new mansion for a week with him and the boys. Hannah was going too, because of Robbie, and although we were still in England, we knew that it would be one of the best holidays we would ever have. We would be with our boys, nothing else would matter.

‘Wow!’, I gasped, as Mark and I pulled up outside Gary’s house in his car, ‘This place is huge!’

‘I know, it’s crazy isn’t it?’, Mark laughed, ‘There’s like over twenty bedrooms, and there’s even an indoor pool!’

‘Cool!’, I said, ‘We HAVE to visit that before we leave.’

With that we got out of Mark’s car, and Gary welcomed us at the front door.

The week that I spent there with Mark, Hannah and the boys was one of the most fun weeks of my life as we spent our days either go-karting ( Yes, Gary had a track in his ‘Back garden’  ), or swimming in the huge in-door pool, and we spent each night partying and having fun.

Every night Mark and I fell into bed together, and spent until day light having our own fun. We would wake late, shower together, and the fun would start all over again.

When it was time to go back home I was lonely, because I wouldn’t see Mark for a few weeks again, but we had had so much fun together in that small amount of time that I was sure I would survive.

It was three weeks later that something hit me.

‘Han, can you come over after work?’, I asked, when I had called her out of worry.

‘Sure’, she replied, ‘I’ll go straight over.’

And she stuck to her word, when she arrived at my apartment that evening.

‘So, what’s up?’, she asked me, as we sat on my couch drinking coffee that I had prepared, ‘The last you looked this worried was the night you called me over to talk about Rob’s drinking. I know that isn’t the case this time, because I was talking to him an hour ago.’

I sighed before mumbling something under my breath.

‘What?’, Hannah asked, ‘I didn’t catch that.’

‘I think I might be pregnant’, I said, louder this time.

‘Are you serious?’, Hannah gasped, quiet obviously shocked, ‘When did you find out?’

‘I’m still not certain, I haven’t taken a test or anything yet’, I said, ‘But, my period is two weeks late.’

‘Well maybe you’re just late this month, it happens sometimes’, Hannah replied, ‘It doesn’t mean you’re pregnant. You and Mark always use protection anyway, don’t you?’

‘Well yeah’, I sighed, ‘But, there was this one night when we were at Gary’s house and we were really drunk, and I can’t remember if Mark put on a condom or not.’

‘Julie!’, Hannah said, exasperated, ‘You ALWAYS use a condom, whether you’re drunk or not! How could you be so careless?!’

‘I know, it was stupid’, I replied, ‘What am I going to do?’

‘Well the first thing you need to do is take a test’, Hannah said, standing up, ‘I’ll go get one now, and you stay here.’

‘Okay, thank you Han’, I whispered, looking up at her.

JulieWhere stories live. Discover now