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'Hey Jules, are you free to talk?', Mark asked, after ringing me, a few weeks later.

'Sure, I'm just on a break from rehearsals', I said, 'I thought I'd come home for something to eat. What's up?'

'Its Rob', Mark said, 'He's been acting kinda, strange lately.'

'Oh', I replied, running my hands through my hair.

Ever since Robbie had ended things with Hannah, I hadn't been his greatest fan. After all, Hannah was my best friend and I hated seeing her so heartbroken. On the other side though, Robbie was Mark's best friend, and he cared for him too.

'Um', I mumbled, 'Well, have you tried talking to him?'

'Its almost impossible!', Mark said, before sighing, 'He's been drinking a lot lately. Like proper binges, not just a few beers like the rest of the lads and I. The other night Howard found two empty bottles of vodka in his suitcase.'

'Christ', I said, 'That does sound bad.'

'Yeah and he told Gaz last week that he was thinking of leaving the band!', Mark replied, 'He's not the same Rob anymore Jules, and, and I don't know what to do!'

'Well first of all, don't let it upset you', I said, knowing that he was getting emotional, 'Robbie is obviously troubled about something. Maybe tell Martin?'

'I don't know', Mark replied, 'They haven't been getting on that well lately. It might just cause more friction. What if, you ask Hannah to talk to him?'

'You're joking, right?', I laughed.

'Ah, no', Mark said, 'She might be able to talk some sense into him, or something?'

'Mark', I replied, 'He totally broke her heart! I don't think Hannah ever wants to hear anything else about Robbie Williams, not to mind talk to him to help him!'

'Yeah I understand', Mark sighed, 'I'm just all out of ideas, that's all.'

Knowing how upset he was, and wanting to help him, I eventually agreed to ask Hannah to talk to Robbie. I didn't promise that she would, but Mark was happy if I tried at least.

So that night, I invited Hannah over to my new apartment ( I had moved out of home about a week earlier ).

'Hey Jules', she said, when she arrived, 'Is everything okay?'

'Yeah', I replied, as we walked into the kitchen, 'I just thought it would be nice to hang-out, we haven't spent much time together recently.'

'I know', Hannah sighed, sitting down at my breakfast table, 'Work has been crazy. Anyway, how's everything going with you? Are you feeling okay?'

'I'm feeling great Han', I smiled, as I started to prepare two cups of coffee, 'I promised that I'd tell you straight away if I was feeling unwell again.'

'I know, I know, I just care about you that's all', Hannah said, taking off her jacket, 'So, how's Mark? I saw him on the TV the other day, and he looked like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Only you and I know different, right?'

'Oh shut up!', I laughed, knowing that I was blushing, 'Mark is, good. His schedule is crazy as usual, but he's having great fun with the guys. He's after getting really close to Gary recently actually.'

'So he's not the stuffy snot we thought he was?', Hannah asked, referring to what we had called Gary after the first time we had met him.

'No he's not', I giggled.

'And what about, Robbie?', Hannah asked, looking down at her handbag, 'Are he and Mark still as close as ever?'

'Actually', I sighed, carrying over the two steaming hot cups of coffee that I had just made over to the table, 'I wanted to talk to you about him?'

'Really?', Hannah asked, confused.

'Yeah', I mumbled, sitting down across from her, 'I promised Mark I would.'

'Well, what is it?', Hannah asked, taking a sip of her coffee, 'Spit it out Jules.'

'Robbie is, Robbie's going through a pretty rough patch at the moment', I explained, 'He's drinking a lot, and Mark is pretty worried about him.'

'Well he was always been a big drinker Jules', Hannah said.

'Two bottles of vodka a night Han?', I asked, watching as a shocked expression spread across her face.

'Is he, still on coke?', Hannah asked.

'What? Coke? As in cocaine?', I gasped,  'Han I had no idea he was into drugs!'

'Yeah, well I might have tried some with him', Hannah said.

'WHAT?!', I exclaimed, 'What the hell Hannah?!'

'I know! I know! It was stupid', Hannah replied, 'I regret it now. I hated it.'

'Well he's probably still on it then', I said, before taking a deep breath before continuing, 'Han, could you, talk to him? Try to make him see sense. Mark thinks he would listen to you.'

'Fine', Hannah replied, after a few minutes, 'I'll ring him when I get home. I don't think it'll do any good though.'

'Thank you so much!', I gasped, walking over and hugging her, 'You're the best.'

That's what led to Hannah and Robbie getting back together, and Robbie giving up the alcohol and drugs. 

What we didn't know then though was the minuscule amount of time that Robbie's sobriety would last.


Hey guys, 

HAPPY (LATE) CHRISTMAS! I hope you all had a great day! 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thank you all for reading.




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