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The next few months were hard as I continued to get weaker, and my pain got worse. Although Mark and I went on our honeymoon to Venice, a lot of our time there was spent in bed as I couldn't keep going.

When we got back, it was time for Mark to join the boys to announce that Robbie was re-joining the band for a new album and a tour the following year.

He hated leaving me, but I wanted him to.

My mother and Mark's mother began to come down to London more often and stayed with us to look after the children as I wasn't able to.

I now spent a lot of time in bed resting. I didn't have the energy to do anything else.

That Christmas, Mark and the boys released their first album with Robbie in fifteen years. It went straight to number one, and I was so happy for them.

Robbie had gotten married the year before to a lovely girl called Ayda, and had really settled down. It was amazing to see the once wild boy so happy with his life.

During this time, Robbie had come to visit me and Hannah just happened to be with me.

Instead of ignoring the awkwardness, Rob apologized to her for the way he had treated her over the years, and she had accepted it so they were back to being kind of friends.

Mark tried to make that Christmas special, as it was clear that it would be my last one. Soon Christmas day he invited my parents, his parents his siblings and Hannah, Emmett and the kids to our house for Christmas dinner.

I managed to get up out of bed for the occasion, and I really enjoyed it. Everybody that I loved the most in the whole world was there, and that's all I needed.

Eventually though, the weakness began to wash over me once more and I had to go back to bed, even though it was still early in the evening.

After Christmas, Mark had a lot of things to do with the band, and I again had to force him to do them.

The following few months past in a haze as my condition became worse and worse. My mother actually moved in and looked after the children full time now.

Mark's P.O.V:

'I don't want to do it Jules', I said, sitting on our bed looking at her, 'What if something happens when I'm gone? I want to be here with you.'

'Mark', she sighed, taking my hand in hers, 'The doctors have told us that I have at least another four months. Nothing will happen to me. I'll be waiting here for you.'

I looked up at her smiling weakly at me. My once vibrant love was now a wasted looking girl with her pale skin and lank looking hair. The light was gone out of her eyes and she was the thinnest I had ever since her in my whole life.

I had watched her waste away the last few weeks from the pain she was in as the cancer spread through her body. It was heart-breaking to watch.

'How do I know that Jules?', I asked, unable to keep the emotion out of my voice, 'I want to spend every last minute with you.'

'But you have an obligation to the boys and your fans', Julie replied, moving apiece of hair from my eyes, 'You can't let them down.'

'You never think about yourself do you?', I said, giving a small giggle that made her smile, 'You're so selfless Jules.'

'I'm not selfless, I just love you', she replied, before moving forwards to kiss me,'Tell me you'll go.'

'I'll go', I whispered, 'I'll go for you Jules.'

And that's what I did.

Six weeks later, the boys and I set out for our first tour of the UK and Europe as a five piece in eleven years.

Being away from Julie and the children was horrible because I missed them so much, but I did enjoy performing for all the fans.

The sight of their beaming faces as we walked on stage was enough to keep me sane and to keep going.

Before we knew it though, the tour came to an end and it was time to come home.

We were at the airport waiting for our flight back to London when I got the phone call.

'Hello?', I answered it, after moving away from the group for privacy.

'Mark it's me', I heard my mother-in-law reply curtly, 'Where are you?'

'I'm at the airport waiting for our flight home', I replied, before stopping and whispering, 'Why? Is Jules okay?'

'Mark', her mother mumbled before she broke down, 'Just get here as fast as you can. She's not going to last much longer.'


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JulieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora