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Even though Mark constantly called me, and was nearly outside my house twenty-four seven for the next few days, I didn't give in and talk to him.

I honestly couldn't believe that he had cheated on me. We had been best  friends practically our whole lives, but I never thought he would do such a horrible thing to me. 

I had been so happy to be his girlfriend that I never thought about what would happen if something like this happened. 

Eventually though he had to go back on tour with the band, and a few days later I had to go for the operation to remove the mole on my back.

As you could imagine, I was really scared, but I was also determined to get through it.

My mother came with me to the hospital the day of the surgery, and stayed with me until I was wheeled into the operating theatre.

Once under general anesthetic, I had the strangest dream. I was with Mark in a large green field, but we looked a lot older than we were at that time, like we were in our thirties, and we had a little girl with us. She had brown hair in two plaits, and was wearing a really cute sun dress. She looked like she was only around eight years old, and had the cutest laugh I had ever heard.

Just then, Mark wrapped his arms around me as we watched the little girl run and jump, and whispered in my ear, 'We did a great job Jules, our little Willow. I love you babe.'

I looked around at him and saw him smiling at me, but just as I was to tell him that I loved him too, he, and  the little girl started to drift away.

The next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes in a bright room.

'Welcome back', a nurse, who was by the side of my bed, smiled.

'Where am I?', I asked, confused, trying to look around me.

'You're in the recovery room, after your surgery darling', the nurse replied, 'Don't worry, it was a success. We'll get you back to your ward and your mother now.'

'Okay', I mumbled, and before I knew it, I had slipped back to sleep.

When I woke up again, I was in a ward with three other people, and my mother was sitting beside my bed.

'Mam?', I yawned.

'Julie pet, how are you feeling?', Mam asked, turning so that she could talk to me.

'A little sore', I admitted, 'But the nurse said the surgery was a success.'

'Yeah', Mam replied, 'Don't worry Julie you're a fighter, and you'll get through this.'

Thankfully, I got over the operation well, and soon enough I had to start chemotherapy.

Once again, my mother came with me for my appointments, and stayed with me as they pumped chemicals into my body that were supposed to 'Cure' me.

To help me get through the appointments, Mam bought me a little portable radio and headphones, to try to distract me from the pain.

I was listening to it, a few weeks after my treatment started, and suddenly the radio DJ announced, 'Now it's time for the band that are said  to be the next big thing! This is 'It Only Takes A Minute' by Take That!'

'Oh my God!', I gasped.

'Are you okay Julie?', Mam asked, putting down the magazine she had been reading.

'Mark's band are on the radio', I said, 'Here, listen.'

I then gave her one of my ear phones so we could hear their song, which was actually really good!

'Wow the lead singer has an amazing voice!', Mam said, when the song was over.

'Yeah, that's Gary', I replied, thinking back to when Mark had told me about the band.

'Do you miss him Jules?', Mam asked, 'Mark I mean.'

'More than you could imagine', I sighed, 'He just wasn't my boyfriend Mam, he was my best friend too. I know I'm really close to Hannah, but Mark and I grew up together! We know everything about each other!'

'I know Julie', Mam told me, stroking my hand gently, 'But you never know what the future holds. Maybe, when all of this is over, you could contact him and ask to meet up for dinner or something. You don't have to be a couple Jules.'

'I don't think so Mam', I said.

'Why?', she asked.

'Because', I started, 'I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him.'


Hey guys, 

I hope you all liked this chapter.




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