Chapter 5

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Nayeons P.O.V
In the canteen I was sat in my usaul place waiting for Momo, she looked very stressed and had picked up her pace trying to get to me. Her distressed look made me wonder what had happened, when I asked her she started crying guess I have to kill someone, the girl hated by me most she made Momo's life hell while I was gone.

But when she had hugged me before that, her grip kept tightening and she made me extremely worried, I could sense she no longer wanted to talk about the subject so I changed it and she told me how Mina didn't get into trouble, almost chocked on my water The Myoui Mina the girl who has troublemaker as her middle name didn't say or do anything.

The table soon was filled with the other 5 girls but it made me wonder where Jihyo was, that was until she came walking looking very tired. Probably from yesterday I thought as she sat next to me smiling to me as brightly as possible, she then waited for Sana to come and after that they all recieved the news that Mina had not got into trouble which lead to all of us teasing and bullying her, but she kept glancing at Cheayoung I think she sensed something off. But Jihyo kept constantly glancing in one place and when I looked forward I saw her "friend" and she held onto my hand tightly.

Minas P.O.V
Ever since Cheayoung has got to school she's been out of it and her knuckles had a bandage wrapped round them, I wanted to ask her if she was okay but thought she needed to be alone for a while, but it broke my heart to see Cheayoung putting on a façade not to make me worry.

To me Cheayoung was like an open book, she has been my friend for years and I know when she is lying and basic information, she seemed very distressed and distracted. I also saw that she constantly glanced at her phone as if she had to go somewhere, but when she smiled it wasn't like normal it was a fake and sad smile. It was both her little sisters she missed them dearly.

I knew that talking to her right now would be the best option, luckily we had the same period next and usually walked home together so I asked her and her answer broke my heart she told me that her father had called and told her that he couldn't come to one of my most important events and said that he would never let my siblings come to Korea and see her, my heart broke for her I knew just how much she is trying to see her siblings.

This left me trying to change the subject and come up with something random to make her laugh it really worked and she was now smiling brightly with her dimple showing, I could never see Cheayoung sad not even in my dreams.

Cheayoungs P.O.V
I was really grateful when Mina had let me off the hook and changed the subject, she knows how much I miss my mom and siblings. She know how brutal my past is with my father, like when he left me here in Korea all alone at six years old and stayed in Japan but he did come back eventually.

Then I found out I had siblings from my mother, estatically I flew to Japan and joyfully told Mina the news so she let me go, excusing me from every lesson, when I came back to Japan my father had smiled and welcomed me, but frowned when I asked him to come to Korea with my siblings, he said that he wouldn't let them come to Korea and would stay in Japan.

Every summer break I had, just to see them I would sacrifice everything not even caring if I starved myself for the next year, of course Mina was fustrated and made sure all my meals were finished, but it's been years of trying to convince my father he still hasn't changed his mind but mom did agree.

I didn't get it, both of them knew korean and spoke it and if they didn't I had 3 japanese friends who could help me heck I even learnt Japanese basics so I could communicate with them, I just hope dad will let them stay in Korea with me. But finally someone helped me cheer up and it was none other than the troublemaker and my best friend Myoui Mina.

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