Prlogue for Mina

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Myoui Mina, daughter of multi billionaire Myoui Hinata who owns a famous bussiness and is one of the most feared men in Japan , has had a terrible past with her father he always pressured her to work at school after school he would teach her all about business.

At five years old she was already learning gun names and periodic table elements so that she could master everything older. By the time she was six she was learning how to aim and shoot a gun and how to fling a dagger accurately and if so where to aim.

Mina dreaded everything, she started to get depressed and when her father found out he forced her to train harder saying she was thinking of excuses to stop training hitting her with painful words.

That was until she ran outside in the dark, after a terrible fight with her father that was when she ran into a truck and was put into a coma for months, her father fighting anyone in his sight becoming  extremely aggressive to the point where he threatened to fire everyone , but all he cared about was MONEY not his own daughters health, everyone finally saw the façade he had shown was all pretend and finally saw his true colours.

Sana, her older sister sat by her everyday telling me everything, like how father hurt her or mother had bursted out on her for something she didn't do, She wanted to get up and hug her but once again the feeling was being numb is this how it feels to be paralysed? my body was fast asleep my eyes were shut.

soon she woke up after a while she went back in reality, the dream world had seen in her imagination was gone, but seeing the familiar faces she had desired to seen made the experience 100% better. Sana's face was overjoyed and her other sister Dahyun she was beyond overjoyed to the point where she leaped onto her sister. Tzuyu just started crying as the big baby she was and ran towards her sister slapping her gently multiple times, while I held her in my embrace.

My mother came in, she stroked my hair and smiled at me, she was so worried I heard from Sana that Mom had fought with father to get me out of the family bussiness and made sure none of siblings would be involved.

Then my father sent my two younger siblings to Korea all alone, we called almost everyday feeling upset and alone, they were mine and Sana's happy pill. That was all until my father finally let us go to Korea on one condition, if i handeled the company in Korea as the CEO and gave me my very own secretary called Yutto.

At that point i went to korea and every small mistake i made, my father would have a terrible outburst and would make me scared. I hated going Japan because all my father would do was talk about how much of a disappointment i am not appreciating the fact the stocks were going up.

My mother on the other hand made sure i was happy, complement me and smile at me. That was enough to make me come for my mother only.

When I arrived in Korea, my two siblings DubTzu  had already settled in a school with their own bestfriends, Elklie and sinb, I alongside with Sana and her best friend Momo were coming to Korea, unfortunately they didn't get in the same school.

Mina got bullied there it was hell for her, she already had a hard time speaking after getting into an accident and was already quiet as it is, but after coming home with several bruises and bleeding areas which suddenly appeared from the middle of nowhere. They found out she was getting bullied.

Now here she was in the same school as her sister Sana and Momo as well as her sisters other friends they learnt to accept her quiteness and treated her the same.

Here  she is the coldest girl in school nicknamed cold princess/penguin all find her adorable and too cute to be Sana's younger sister, she barely showed aeygo but to her best friend Cheayoung all that is enough.

The latter has a crush on someone close to her.

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