Chapter 8

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After spring break
Jeongyeon's P.O.V

Today was the day, I was going to school after years of running away from my fears I was facing them, it was scary to think about at first but, my bravery was what had helped me have one of the best things soon happen.

It was sad, how both my sisters and brothers hard early lessons today. They couldn't walk me to school they were very apologetic but I didn't mind at all, it all looked so unfamiliar once I reached this area, I spotted some girl walking past, she seemed to have been wearing the same uniform as me.

I tried my hardest to approach her without sounding too rude, but it was very hard.
Did I really want to be late on my first day? What if I get yelled at? What if Unnie gets annoyed I'm late? Hesitantly I walked towards the girl and tapped her shoulder, she was wearing a mask and earphones.

I asked her if she could walk me to our school, since it was my first day and I didn't know where to go, she walked past me and left me alone I almost cried and felt myself croaking out 4 words they were faint but she heard them, after staying behind her for a while, the girl spoke to me in the most coldest tone I had ever heard, but she told me to folllow her.

Was she really going to help me? Or was it all pretend?

That was until she walked up me up to the gate, I thanked her grateful for her help and she gave me a faint smile, I returned it and took a deep breath. This is it Yoo Jeongyeon Welcome To Hell I mean School, hopefully it is better this time.

Mina's P.O.V
While I was walking to school, some girl approached me asking me for directions well that was a first, I really wanted to what I do best which was be a trouble maker but weirdly forbid myself to doing so, I felt like I was somehow connected to her, walking past her the thoughts I was having were slowly disappearing into thin air.

She asked me again, but she sound like she was about to cry why does this stuff always happen to me? not going to lie she was adorable, wait Myoui fix yourself together, I spoke to her with my cold tone and told her to follow me.

She looked like a lost puppy, following me and I had the urge to pinch her cheeks. She looked awfully familiar but I just didn't know how or why? just who are you? she looked adorable with her cheeks puffed out as she crossed the road, she was like a kid, an adorable one.

When I dropped her of at the gate, she didn't forget to say thank you, I gave her a faint smile and ran to where me and Cheang would be.

Nobody's P.O.V
Once Jeongyeon thanked Mina for helping her, she got her schedule from Jihyo and she took her to her first classroom, both Jason and Jace were there in that lesson so she wasn't really alone.

When she was told to introduce herself she saw, both her close friends looking at her shocked , Jeongyeon waved at them and sat beside them which lead to a lot of trouble like almost being sent to the student council office.

After that lesson was over she had PE, they were currently playing dodgeball which lead to a lot of controversy, such as Jace almost punching someone because they looked at her for more than a minute.

Once pe was over she said goodbye to her friends and walked into the student council room to see her two sisters Nayeon and Jihyo sat doing work, she sat besides them a little scared when she saw a squirrel looking girl.

Then when they went to the canteen, she met the squirrel girl again and sat with her sister terrified she was looking at the other 5 girls looking at her.

They each introduced themselves and each waved at Jeongyeon happily who returned it she realised that school was going to be a lot different since she had people who she knew and she had her siblings friends who suprisingly got along with her.

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