Chapter 4

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Nayeons P.O.V
After seeing Jihyo so vulnerable yesterday, I had the urge to let her sleep both of the girls had both suffered a terrible amount which made me come to the conclusion that I should not let Jihyo go to school and try to find a way to have Jeongyeon enrolled into our school.

Despite my thought, I felt very confused and very distressed as I began to fidget being the oldest was hard sometimes, I was so deep into thoughts that the sound of Jihyo opening my room door to come get her uniform. I told her she shouldn't go today but does she ever listen to me?

Her stubbornness made me believe that maybe she was okay when I finally nodded my head her enthusiasm and her happiness was very clear to see, "what's with the sudden mood change" I thought, but before she could've left the room she began to jump higher than before making me laugh the sudden mood change was hilarious.

The only thoughts that were hogging my mind were thoughts about how Jeongyeon is going to cope and be okay with the situation, I went from being happy to destressed once again, Maybe I'm stressing about it too much.

what if Jeongyeon dosen't want
to go to school? She hated it and now if I take her she might get scared.

These types of things always scared me because I just didn't want to hurt anyone, Jeongyeon had already been through enough and the thought of just her having fresh traumas and the fears to talk to us were traumatic enough for me to even think about.

By then I was pacing around the room like a mad women, Jihyo who just walked in was very startled by my actions and asked me to stop pacing around because it made her dizzy, I could tell she was stressing about something but she prefers to not tell and I respect that.

Soon we were on our way to school to see my favorite person in the whole entire world Momoring, we are inseparable and partners in crime I am the only one who can calm her down when she is angry and she may have a slight crush, on a certain tall girl in our group.

Jihyos P.O.V
Ah why didn't Nayeon unnie wake me up, thank god I set an alarm for me but when my vision started to clear all I could think about was how she didn't wake me up that was until I had a flashback after what happened yesterday, panic had entered my body did unnie figure out why I was like this.

Before I knew it the thoughts I was having made me very curious, so I ran to see unnie in her room instead of complementing herself she was in a deep thought which I found very unusual so I stood there waiting for her to realise I was at the door.

Once she had finally seen me, I went to get my uniform that's when she told me I shouldn't go how was I supposed to tell her that for the sake of Sana, it was obligatory for me to go just the thought of not going and Sana being left alone in lessons was enough for me to want to go, I convinced her like mad until she finally nodded her head.

I couldn't contain my excitement, all you could see was my face show a bright expression despite when she told me I had a dejected look, she laughed at my sudden mood change, but my happiness was beyond excited I was extatic and started jumping around and ranting to myself about how seeing the shiba inu would make me happy.

Soon I ran out of the room, looking for something to eat the only thing which was the closest to me was the wafer, so after I had ate it and packed my school bag, I stroked Jeongyeons hair carefully and kissed her forehead she was in a very deep sleep so she didn't realise.

I then ran out back into my unnies room, so I can signal that I was ready but then unnie was just pacing around in circles, it was very hard for me to endure and was making me dizzy as well, so I told her to stop, but before realising she had stopped I was in a deep thought about how seeing Sana will make me feel, how I will have to endure my vulnerability and my bullying just so she doesn't find out.

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