Chapter 6

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Back in the Yoo Household

Jeongyeon's P.O.V
I was really bored while waiting for my unnies,I when are they going to comeback home. I've built a huge lego mansion and car but now I'm feeling a bit tired maybe "I should get some rest" I wondered but the was the worst idea ever.

No matter how much I attempted to try and sleep, my exhaustion which was felt before had disappeared, so sighing I walked into Nayeon unnies room and sitting on her bed. That's when I saw her pictures from when she had been in school. I really want to go to school to see how it is like but that fear from before is still in me, but my book said that you can't run away from your fears.

So I tried studying with Nayeons old books, but it got to boring. I can't wait till they come home I think there is only one hour left, so in that time I tried studying while they came home. The sound of keys jingling and voices being heard told me that they were back.

Both of them gasped, when they saw me studying with my glasses on trying to work hard. I smiled at them and they both looked at me amused seeing me studying so Jihyo unnie asked me where I got that but I simply responded nayeon unnies room. She smiled at me and wondered what had made me so curious to learn.

So while I studied, I wondered is school where I want to go, all my siblings will be there and my best friends Jason and Jace will be there and apparently unnie wants me to see her friends, plus it does get boring home alone. "What if I meet Penguin unnie" I thought to myself, smiling widely she had constantly been on my mind and was my hero .

Maybe I should talk to Jason and Jace before I do this, but then again they would be suprised that I came they have been telling me for months, to come to school. But it had a bad side to it what if school was as bad as I remembered, It had scarred me for a while.  I felt myself shaking at the sudden memories, "happy thoughts" I thought to myself brushing aside my terrfiying memories.

How was I supposed to approach my sisters and ask them if going to school for me was the best thing. That was until I got called down for dinner, Jihyo unnie had an announcement to make which made me very curious to know what it was. Until the door was opened, there it revealed my short, twin brother who has no jams Jimin, I gasped and almost choked on my food when I saw him and ran towards him with a fast speed.

I punched his shoulder, you idiot you said you were going to comeback and it's been 3 years and I hate to say it but I miss you, is your crew here as well. He shook his head and said their in our home like Jeabum oppa we live in a separate dorm with jeabum, I want to say something after 3 years your still short and not funny, you haven't changed. He laughed and ruffled my hair then said you changed a lot.

How I missed my brother, guess this will be fun for both of us I guess. Time to meet my brothers crew tommorow I think although I'm not sure but the excitement is another level, apparently my childhood best friend is there to bad I can't remember him.

Once everyone had sat down and we had proceeded to eat our meal, Nayeon unnie asked me if I wanted to go to school, hesitatingly I nodded my head but still a bit terrified of how it's going to be my hands began shaking and my stomach turned, my anxiety was getting way higher than before.

She promised me that, both of them would stay by me no matter what and would keep me safe, I felt a little more calm knowing that and Jimin said that he would make sure I would be okay in class, which ended up in an argument making me whimper quietly beside Jihyo who ended the whole entire argument.

One things for sure, Jimin was excited to know that I was going to attend the same school as hime and he finally said that he missed me, just before we went to sleep we built a LEGO mansion which apparently looked like the house he owned back in the UK.

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