Chapter 9

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Jeongyeon's P.O.V
I'm in a different class, nobody is there but apparently Tzuyu will be joining soon in my opinion she is super cool and isn't as scary as she seems.

Taking deep breaths I walked in shyly and looked at the teacher hoping he was going to inroduce me, but he just stared at me and told me to introduce myself so I fixed my glasses and said Im Jeongyeon. Whispers erupted in the classroom and they all looked at her and gasped one of the kids asked if I was part of the im siblings causing me to nod shyly.

She was told to sit next to Tzuyu's empty spot since mr kim said so and wondered where she had gone, my thoughts were interrupted with a bang of the door opening and a very exhausted Tzuyu, she smiled revealing her dimples and waved at me patting my head in the process and sat besides me.

Now all I had to do was focus, the hardest thing for me so in my notepad all I did was doodle and make some drawings, Tzuyu who realised my interest in doodles made sure to write another pair of notes and hand me them in case I needed them. So once classes were over and it was break we both walked to the canteen with me constantly thanking her for the notes.

I think me and her are going to get along with eachother.

Nobody's P.O.V
Tzuyu and Jeongyeon both walked into the canteen together and her soft personality had changed she went back to her cold personality, while all the table started to fill up with the other
6 girls they all looked at Tzuyu in shock.

When they saw how soft their relationship was between the two they just couldn't help but to smile, Tzuyu has never smiled this much since something happened which ruined her life completely and Jeongyeon could barely smile.

So Tzuyu and Jeongyeon are probably going to get a long smoothly and become best friends if they can.

Once their break was over the girls dropped all the girls of to each class but left Nayeon Jeongyeon and Tzuyu last since they had the same lesson, Jeongyeon introduced herself slowly getting rid of her fear of speaking to everyone, luckily she was sat next to both Nayeon and Tzuyu.

Nayeons P.O.V
When I saw Yeonie get along with Tzuyu it kind of shocked me, although both girls did have the same personality Jeong was a lot more timid and scared compared to Tzuyu, it's good to know my friends accept her the way she is and care about her.

Tzuyu never smiles after that incident, so it was a shock to see her smile and that to our maknea she barely smiles i'm glad she found a friend and the way they treat eachother is adorable, there was usually a spot between me and Tzuyu so she was told to sit there.

I felt so proud to see this girl interacting in the lessons and paying attention not only that but giving it a go she wasn't the smartest kid but her studies at home were showing, she tapped me a few times looking at me hesitantly before asking me for help.

So I spent as long as I could on the worksheet helping her until she understood which caused her to be really happy and smile from ear to ear, but when duty calls you got to go being a student council sucked but I only did it because most of my friends do it, but regret it soo much.

I looked at Jeongyeon and ruffled her hair before leaving causing her to whine, so I walked back to her and hugged her before leaving promising the lego that she wanted since ages, she waved goodbye and looked at me sadly with her puppy eyes, this caused everyone in the room to cooe at her, and I told Tzuyu to take as much care of her.

Since that Yoda had clearly changed now when this kid joined school, otherwise she would have ignored everyone.

Tzuyu's P.O.V
My lesson was with Jeongyeon once again, that made me happy it felt great to have someone else who I can talk to and have someone else who hasn't got a best friend yet.

I realised that this kid wasn't writing her notes, so being a good friend and looking out for her I wrote it down for her once again, it was weird how my will to help someone was this much but Jeongyeon made me feel like it was my responsibility to protect her and be close to her this was the first time someone had the same similarities.

Halfway throughout the second lesson yeoni fell asleep I'm not sure when but she was crying and shaking, the girl was having a nightmare and wasn't going to wake up anytime so at first called her gently at first but she wouldn't listen and  sobbing slowly got worse so the last solution was me shouting Kid wake up! making her jolt up and hug me while I whispered confronting things stroking her hair, helping her slowly get calm.

At times like this I knew Jeongyeon would need somebody to let her know they are there for her, so I texted Jihyo asking her if it would be possible for her to let me and Jeongyeon skip class together at first she was very upset until she understood the whole situation and gave her approval.

So I excused me and Jeongyeon from this lesson and took her to the rooftop but she kept clinging onto me like a koala because she was so scared and the lesson we missed helped me become her best friend she asked me to since I've been constantly helping her and she has always wanted a best friend  just like me who has been waiting to find one.

Atleast I had a best friend now this was a new feeling Minju will be so proud of me for once, she was the younger sister but she has been waiting for this day when I soften up to somebody and be a good friend, that did make me guilty sometimes considering how with the girl's I'm always cold.

Nobody's P.O.V
As soon as it was lunch time both friends were currently walking alongside eachother but Tzuyu was feeling heavy hearted and upset because she was always cold with her friends who were almost like sisters to her.

It was very rare for Tzuyu to cry, but at this moment she ran over like a kid and hugged all her unnies tightly letting out her tears she had kept within her, telling them she was sorry about being cold with them and she didn't mean to hurt their feelings when she said all those mean things.

That made the girls more closer than ever, knowing that Tzuyu was just heartbroken from her past and has tried to overcome it, she didn't really hurt any of them since they loved her with all their heart and knew she was just broken so on they just made fun of both her and Jeongyeon.

She told her best friend on the way here about everything and she just hugged her encouraging the taller girl to do what she thought was right and that Jeongyeon would support her and squeezed Tzuyu's hand for encouragement.

Jeongyeon relaxed when she was beside both her sisters who were looking at her with the most caring expression ever, she did eventually tell them about the nightmare she had and both girls were proud of Tzuyu since she used to be like this at one point, but proud of Jeongyeon since she had told them what happened.

So now all 9 girls were walking home from school with each of their best friends each group consisted of:
Dahyun and Vernon

Jeongyeon was laughing while Tzuyu ranted about how being the oldest was the worst and how she couldn't shout at her younger sister, she really enjoyed her time at school today for sure.

This was one of the best days of her life and couldn't wait to come tommorow, if only she knew school wasn't like how she remembered sure it had only been a day but she felt like she knew the girls for years she probably did but was too young to know.

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