Chapter 17

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V
Before she could begin scolding me, she saw two small figures behind me and asked me to move so she could see who it was, upon seeing both of them she began squealing and waddling around, both my little sisters looked at her confused until I mumbled to them that this was their Mina Imo and they ran towards her hugging her leg, Aeri looked at Mina reaching her arms up for her, while she was carrying her around the latter pecked Mina's cheek thanking her for taking care of me, I could see her smile as she made her way to me, My heart swelled with joy, thank you appa for letting them come to Korea.

We all sat on one sofa, Aeri in my lap and Seri in Mina's lap and had a drama playing in the background, we didn't realise how long we'd been watching until I looked down and Saw Aeri sleeping on my lap grasping onto her pacifier and Seri holding her bear tightly in a deep sleep, Mina looked at me and we both smiled at each other, lifting both little girls up and putting them to sleep. It was just me and her now  and we both decided to play some games for a while, at around 7:15 pm both of us  got up to go to the kitchen so we can prepare dinner for the little ones. But that went downhill because the both of  us started to have a flour fight to mock each other and were too invested in the "fight" that we didn't realise Aeri was walking towards us and fell.

Both of us heard a thud, it was Aeri she began crying softly, I walked towards her quickly

"aigoo baby are you okay"  I mumbled biting my lip as she clutched onto her knee, I didn't know what to do so Mina stepped in blowing Aeri's knee like she was a fairy and carried her around the room to stop her from crying  and after a good 15 minutes of her pacing around she finally calmed down, I smiled thanking Mina and sat the latter down on the chair across me putting her pacifier in, just then Seri came running in hugging Mina from behind as she watched her cook, these girls surely do love Mina, she laughed holding Seri once she'd finished cooking, and  sat her besides me, so she could  sit  next to Aeri, Seri looked at her younger sister with a mischievous look and stuck her tongues out as she  waved  my hand and I decided to do the same to Mina to tease her too. They both looked at us and stuck their tongue out and the youngest of the table waving Mina's hand around which caused us all to burst out into laughter.

Once we'd finished eating, Mina's phone rang she put it on speaker and the first thing I heard was Sana unnie screaming on the phone for her to come home, when she heard my soft laugh  she realised that I was with Mina and started speaking softly which made me snicker and Mina glare at me, once they had ended the phone call Mina hugged both my sisters and glared at me  changing her tone  telling me to come to school tomorrow, I rolled my eyes as she walked off flipping her hair as she left, she's sassy.

Till death does us apart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora