Career Day (Part 3)

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(Clara leads Cady and Regina into the cafeteria for lunch)

Clara: we are...this is the true danger zone. Watch your step...for various reasons. Don't know what you'll find on the floor in here. Could be food, could be a wet floor from the janitor cleaning up food, could be a persons face after getting knocked out after a fight that started because of food.

Cady: How...often does that happen...?

Clara: *waves her hand* Ah, I wouldn't doesn't normally happen more than twice a week. I'm telling ya, people get really protective over their breadsticks on spaghetti day. Like...they will mow you down....

Cady: *heaves a sigh* ....Great....

Clara: Anyway, let's get in line. I don't normally eat the school's food but considering you two send me here every Monday with money for lunch....I feel inclined to pretend I do so you don't question where your money goes and if it's actually being used so I can get rice crispy treats from the vending machine.

Regina: That's oddly specific. So we're paying for your snacks at home and at school?

Clara: Not always! Sometimes I buy lunch so I can sell it to someone and then use the money for rice crispy treats! Anyway, I don't want to sound rude but...I'm going to go sit with my friends....

Regina: So you want us to beat it?

Clara: I was going to use nicer terms like...find yourself a nice table away from mine so you can have some adult time. But...if you wanna word it like that then...yeah, beat it.

Cady: It's fine, Clarabelle. We understand that you want time with your friends—Wait, Regina...? Where are you going? *watches Regina marching off in the direction of a random table*

Clara: Is she okay...?

Cady: I'm not—oh no. *groans* I swear, maybe the air is different in this building! She isn't like this normally!

Clara: What? You're freaking me out.

Cady: That was her lunch table when we were in school. So now she's going over to take it back!

Clara: *looks horrified* W-Why?! She's going to completely embarrass me—I mean, us!

Regina: *marches up to the plastics old lunch table* *sitting at the table is a bunch of her old classmates who are there with their children for career day*

Parent: *gasps* R-Regina George?! *realizes what table their sat at* Oh—oh my—we can move!

Regina: ....That won't be necessary..... May my wife and I join you?

Parent: O-Oh..! Yeah! Of course!

Regina: *smiles* CADY! I FOUND US A TABLE!

Cady: *sighs in relief* Oh...I guess I should give your Mom more credit... *turns to Clara* Have fun, sweetie. We'll be over here if you need us!

Clara: You say that as if I don't do this everyday without you. But—okay. Have fun. *goes over to her friends table* Shepherd, Charlie...are you going to go up and get lunch from the line?

Shepherd: Nah, already gave my lunch away. Cherry bought it so she can sell it. She offered me a pretty high price so I agreed.

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