Genius at Work

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Ithilien: *looks through the basement* Okay...I know I'm not known for being the cleanest human on the planet but....this is excessively messy.

(The basement has boxes, old furniture, shelves, and an assortment of clothes scattered throughout the room)

Clara: Normally I'd have a funny comeback pertaining to how your statement is too true. But...looking around at this disaster...and knowing the end goal is seemingly years away....I'm in to sour of a mood right now.

Ithilien: What does Momma want again? *scrunches his nose up at the dusty smell*

Clara: She wants to make the basement a family hangout space. Like, a place we can have game and movies nights as well as give the new baby a place for their toys.

Ithilien: You mean to tell me this kid is gonna get the whole basement as a playroom?

Clara: *chuckles* Guess there's a perk to being born last, huh?

Ithilien: I wouldn't know. When  Raph and I were babies we were being passed from foster home to foster home. *shrugs*

Clara: *frowns* Way to ruin the mood.

Ithilien: I'm just upset I had to share everything with Raph! *looks over to his twin brother playfully pouting*

Raph: *playfully rolls his eyes*

Clara: Either way, Momma and Mom want this basement cleared out by the time they get back from shopping for the baby. two better get to work.

Ithilien: Uh...hello? What the heck?

Clara: I have plans with my friends today. I can't be stuck in a basement picking up dusty, spider web infested boxes all day!

Ithilien: You think this is how we want to spend the day? I was supposed to go see a friend today too! But I had to cancel on her because of this!

Clara: *smirks* Her...? Does my baby brother have a girlfriend?

Ithilien: Does my big sister wanna wake up to find a dead rat laying on her stomach? *rolls his eyes* She's not a girlfriend. She's actually one of my racing buddies!

Dominate: *barks and hurries from upstairs into the basement*

Raph: *lifts Dommy into arms*

Clara: *sighs* Fine...I'll help. But not because I want to! I just know if I don't, Momma will lose her crap. Especially now that she's months into her pregnancy. *lifts a box*

(Hours of working later)

Clara: I'm so tired! *grumbles and rubs her eyes* This sucks! They did they on purpose! They knew this task would take a long time! They didn't want to do it themselves so...they stuck us with doing it!

Raph: *yawns* *sits on the edge of the stairs trying not to fall asleep sitting up*

Dominate: *whines up at Clara*

Clara: What's wrong, buddy? Do you have to go out? *picks him up* Hey Raph, have you seen Ithilien...? Last time I remember seeing him was when he said he needed to go to the bathroom....I feel like that was hours ago at this point.

Raph: *shrugs, to tired to care*

Clara: *thinks for a moment* He better not have just abandoned us! *starts for the stairs* I am going to take Dommy outside for a couple minutes, then I am going to find Ithilien and give him a piece of my mind! You don't just leave your siblings to suffer like this! You suffer with them! That's a respect thing! *heads upstairs quickly looking for Ithilien*

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