I Need You

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********2 months later******


Things have been terrible without Hoseok. I just want to be in his arms again. Talking over the phone isn’t enough. The one person I knew that was just like me, that one special person, I just can’t see him anymore. Sometimes it’s so hard to even talk over the phone because I just end up crying just by the sound of his voice. I want to be close to him again. Is that so much to ask?

Hoseok and I haven’t spoken in 2 weeks. I was always telling him that I just miss him too much but I can’t do anything about it besides cry. He tells me not to cry, it’ll only make him cry. All I can do to stay close to him, the one thing that keeps us connected, I just sit by my bedroom window for hours at night just gazing up at the moon. Even as the tears flow, I just don’t seem to notice, the pain is much stronger. Amy? She talks to me occasionally. I’m glad that she still thinks of me as her best friend. She even confessed to me that her and Namjoon actually had sex, but he used a condom so it was safe. I didn’t bring up the topic, she just told me. That just shows that she still trusts me and would still tell me anything.

Tonight, I began to feel even more pain. I began to think back to the day when Hoseok showed me the bridge. That was how we truly began to develop our feelings for each other, it was also the place where we lost that special bond we had.

“Will I ever see him again”? I questioned the moon. I know it’s silly and the moon can’t hear me, but I just had to let the words roll out with my tears.

I slightly jumped as I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID, Amy?

“Hello”? I sniffled trying to cover up traces of my crying.


“Why? What’s wrong”?


“What!? Who’s not breathing”!?

“IS THAT A SUICIDE NOTE”!? I heard Namjoon yell in the background. I froze. It can’t be what I think it is.

“(Y/N) HOSEOK NEEDS YOU JUST HURRY UP AND GET THE FUCK OVER HERE”! Amy exclaimed. I knew that she was serious, she only swears when something’s wrong.

“I’m on my way”! I don’t care who tries to stop me, I’m going back.

I ran downstairs and attempted to bolt out of the door only to be blocked by my dad.

“Where do you think you’re going”? He questioned.

“I NEED TO GO BACK”! I cried. All I was thinking about was Hoseok and I wouldn’t let anyone, not even my own parents, stop me.

“I don’t think so-”
“Let her go”. My mom interrupted. My dad looked at her in shock.

“Are you crazy!? Look at how dark-”

“Let. Her. Go. I don’t want her to suffer like I did”. My mom persisted. I was confused but thought nothing of it. I just wanted to go back to Hoseok. My dad moved out of the way and I ran.

I ran for about an hour and was so filled up with sadness and anger that it fueled me to keep going no matter what.The only pain I felt was the pain for Hoseok, the love of my life.

I finally arrived at the old apartment and bolted upstairs not even bothering to wait for the elevator. I ran to Hoseok’s apartment, the door was open and his parents weren’t home. I rushed to his bedroom to see him unconscious on the floor with Amy and Namjoon by his side. There was also a tear stained note on the ground. I picked it up and began to read quickly.

‘I can’t take this feeling of emptiness anymore. I just want (y/n) back. There’s no reason to live without her, I love her too much. This pain is too strong. (y/n) I love you’

I threw my body onto his and let my tears all out, an endless stream of tears.

“Hoseok why!? Why did you do all this for me!? Please come back, I need you”! I hollered. I pressed my head up against his chest and listened for his heartbeat, nothing.

“(y/n) he probably just had a temporary black out. He’ll wake up eventually”. Amy suggested.

“NO, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING”!? I cried even louder completely ignoring her words. All I wanted was for Hoseok to wake up and be the same person he was when we were together.

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