Someone You Care About

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I ran into my apartment and locked the door before sitting in front of it and beginning to cry. My parents weren’t home, I was all alone. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I peered out the peephole in the door to see who it was. I must’ve been a slow runner or something because Hoseok managed to catch up to me.

“Great, now he knows my apartment number”. I whispered to myself.

He’s still there. I gave up and opened the door slightly. He saw me and looked really concerned.

“Why did you run away”? He asked.

“I don’t know”. I respond. That was obviously a lie but I just don’t want him finding out the truth.

“You didn’t even give me a chance to finish my sentence”. He replied. I stayed silent.

“She’s kinda cute but to be honest…”. He paused for quite a long time.

“Go on”.

“I wanted to see if you’d get jealous. That wasn’t such a good idea, I didn’t know I would hurt you”. He said. His face lit up a bright red. I sighed in relief.

“I’m sorry if I overreacted”. I replied. I let him have a seat in the living room and I sat with him. It was quiet for a while, however, it wasn’t an awkward silence.

“So, by you running away. Does that mean you were jealous”? He asked. I figured I should leave it a mystery to him, so I laughed.

“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t. Why do you want to know”? He pouted.

“Because I want you to notice me”. He just replied. I stopped laughing, this time, it was an awkward silence.

“I’m sorry, did I say too much”

“No it’s fine! Why are you worried about me noticing you? I always notice you”. I replied smiling.

“I know that we barely spent a whole day together but I know that it’s not like you to cry. I feel terrible now. Hey, I know how to make it up to you”! He said jumping up and grabbing my hand. We sped out of the apartment together.

“Where are we going”? I asked.

“You’ll see”. He replied. Instead of pulling back and running away, I decided to wait and see what he has in mind.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived at a small wooden bridge. Hoseok and I stood side by side. There was a beautiful river flowing under the bridge. It led to some small mountains ahead and behind that, the sun was setting. Hoseok gazed longingly into the view as if he were making a wish.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it”? He asked.

“Yeah it is. But why did you bring me here”? I asked. He didn’t reply. Instead, he continued to longingly stare ahead. We were silent for a while, together, we watched the sun go down. When it had finally disappeared behind the mountains, Hoseok broke the silence.

“My mother told me about this place. I’ve only been here once but when she was younger, she said she always came here. She also told me that she watched the sunset with my father here. She said that watching the sunset here is a rare thing to do and it’s best to do it with someone you really care about, that makes the moment last longer. That makes the feeling of warmth and happiness last longer”. Hoseok said. His words touched my heart.

“Someone you care about”? I asked. He nodded.

“Like I said earlier, we’ve barely spent much time together but, I know that we’ll have a good friendship. I haven’t had a friend like you in a while. I figured that I should be a faithful friend to you in return, so this is how I wanted to show you that I really care about you”. We gazed into each others eyes for a moment. Then we both smiled and laughed.

“Ok it’s getting late. We should get going now”. With that, we walked home together. This time, we walked together closer than we did this morning and it wasn’t as awkward either.

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