Apartment 513

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“I’m Namjoon. Who might you be”? He says politely offering his hand to

shake. I return the gesture and smile.

“My name is (y/n). It’s nice to meet you”. I notice that Hoseok moves a little closer to me on the couch. Namjoon seemed to notice the distance between me and Hoseok was fairly close. So he moves closer to me and holds my hands.

“Has Hoseok been doing anything to you to make you read those dirty words that are on the script”? I shook my head ‘No’. Namjoon’s actually not that bad looking.

“Okay that’s enough Namjoon”. Hoseok said holding my shoulders and pulling me back towards him. Namjoon just rolled his eyes and sat back.

“So why are you two alone in the same apartment to begin with”? Namjoon asked.

“Our parents are out and won’t be home until 12:00. Plus we watched a scary movie and couldn’t stay alone in our own apartments”. Hoseok explained.

“Oh so you live in this building too”? Namjoon asked making direct eye contact with me.

“Yup, I live in 403. Just a few doors down”. I replied.

“Oh I live in 512”. Namjoon said. My eyes widened.

“512!? YOU MEAN-”

“Yes, it’s the one right next to 513”. Namjoon responded finishing my sentence.

“What’s so bad about 513”? Hoseok asked cluelessly.

“Oh you’re new to the building. Of course you don’t know about 513”. Namjoon affirmed.

“513 is basically haunted”. I informed.

“What do you mean haunted? Like what’s the story behind it”? He asked. I’ve heard the story millions of times ever since I moved here 2 years ago.

“Well the rumor goes that a few months after this place opened, there was a young couple that moved into 513. They were very affectionate and loved each other to death, well at least the girl loved her boyfriend this way. One night she finds out that he was cheating on her with far more girls and she was furious. One day she demanded to have sex with him. So that nothing was suspicious, he did as she said. Although, she already had more than enough evidence that showed he was cheating on her. So that night they were having sex, she was also planning to kill him in the process. People in the apartments around theirs claimed to hear loud moans which quickly turned into screams for help. She had incredibly rough sex with him and then stabbed him to death. When the police arrived, she escaped and wasn’t seen since. The guy however, died in the apartment. The apartment was closed for a while and then finally opened again for others to live in. Although, nothing has been happening outside of 513, any females that enter the apartment claim to feel something or someone touching their private areas. So now people are saying that the touches are from the cheater that was killed in the apartment”. Namjoon explained.

“Does anyone live in the apartment now”? Hoseok questioned.

“Nope. But the door was left unlocked and anyone can leave and enter as they please. The last time someone entered the apartment, they left the door unlocked and no one has ever went by there since then. If someone has to walk by the door, they run as fast as they can and avoid it at all costs. But I’m not scared to go in there. Even if there is a ghost, this is a horny dude who only touches girls, nothing for me to worry about”. Namjoon declared.

“I wouldnt dare to go anywhere near 513”. I stated crossing my arms.

“Of course, you’re a girl. Another scared little girl”. Namjoon teased.

“I’m not scared! I just don’t wanna be touched”. I admitted.

“Any guy can touch you no matter where you are. There are always perverts out there that wanna touch girls. I think it’s better that this guy is a ghost, that makes it much better since you don’t know what he looks like”. He said.

“But still”! I whined. Namjoon looked at the clock on the wall and smirked.

“It’s only 10:54. Plenty of time to go spend about 10 minutes in the apartment and see if we can communicate with this dead pervert”. Namjoon suggested.

“She doesn’t want to go so she doesn’t have to”. Hoseok said in my defense.

“Well I don’t wanna go to school but I have to”. Namjoon backfired. We argued for quite a while before I decided to go.

We finally arrived and were now standing in front of 513. My heart began to pound.

“Wait hold on a sec, I gotta get something”. Namjoon said before dashing into his apartment right next to the haunted one. At that moment, I remembered something important.

“Oh yeah! You have to finish what you were gonna say! I helped you with the prank so you have to tell me”. I demanded. Hoseok’s face turned red.

“u-umm....”. He paused for a while.

“Just tell me and I promise I won’t judge you”. I said hoping to give him confidence.

“Fine, I-I’m gonna say it and get it over with! (y/n) I see you as someone that I can be more than f-”

“Alright guys I got what I needed”! Namjoon said completely interrupting our conversation. I mentally face palmed myself in frustration. WHY!? I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT HOSEOK WANTED TO SAY! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR!? Either way, I would have to wait now that Namjoon is here. I looked down and noticed that Namjoon was holding a video camera.

“What’s that for”? I asked.

“Just to record what goes on. Who knows, I might get something good since I have a female test subject right here”. He smirked. I lightly hit him on the arm.

“I’m just doing this because I have nothing better to do”. I reassured. He rolled his eyes.

“Well here we go”! Namjoon reached out his hand to open the door. I can only pray that this ghost just touches and isn’t capable of anything else.

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