Sleepy Effects

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I dashed to my bedroom and plunged onto my bed. I was so tired and craved attention from my bed. I lied on my back and stared up at the ceiling. I thought a bit about Hoseok. The innocent look on his face trying to hide who he really is, it made me so curious to know more about him.

“(y/n)! Do you want anything to eat”? My mom asked walking into my room, completely intruding my thoughts. I shook my head ‘no’ and she walked out. I resumed back to thinking about Hoseok. Thinking about the way he acted earlier and how cute he looked doing it, my skin began to feel warm. I rolled around on my bed, my mind was clouded with thoughts (I know, I think too much). I lied on my bed for about an hour before deciding to get something to eat and begin my homework.

Finally, I finished all that had to be done and, in no time at all, I got ready for bed. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I started to think, am I ugly? Would he like me? As more than a friend? There are definitely girls that look better than me, I know that for sure. I’m just on the borderline of an average girl (well at least in my opinion). I pushed those thoughts aside, washed my face, and went to bed.


****Next morning****


“SHIT I’M GONNA BE LATE”! I exclaimed rushing out of my bed. I woke up about a half hour later than I should have. Once I got dressed and ate breakfast, I bolted out of the apartment. I sped down the halls only to bump into who else? Hoseok. His arms wrapped around me to prevent me from falling over, with the acceleration I had as I was running, I needed that.

“So I wasn’t the only one who lost track of time”. He laughed sweetly. I looked up at him and jumped back a bit.

“Well, I was sleepy a-and I-I accidently overslept”. I stuttered. I was so nervous by bumping into him.

“Well, we’re probably going to be late anyways. So let’s just take our time and go together”. He offered with a smile. I nodded and we left together. The morning sky was beautiful along with the light, warm breeze that blew.

“So, did you sleep well last night”? He asked. I shook my head to fight off the sleepy feeling lingering in my head.

“I had a good night’s sleep but I think I need to sleep more”. I replied. I was actually so tired that I didn’t realize what I was doing.

“I think you should go back home. You really need some sleep”. He said laughing. I forced myself awake and realized that I was leaning on his arm, and holding onto it. The scenario completely woke me up and I felt my cheeks burning.

“WAAAHH I’M SO SORRY HOSEOK”! I whined begging for his forgiveness. He pat my head and laughed.

“Why are you so worried? You’re just tired, I understand”. He replied. From that moment on, I stayed completely awake.

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