This Can't be How it Ends

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“How did you and Namjoon really become friends”? I asked.

“My uncle owns a small convenience store and I occasionally helped him out at the store before I moved here. One day Namjoon came by and I was handling the cash register on that day. When Namjoon came up to buy something, he broke it at that very moment. I just couldn’t help but laugh at the look on his face. He was stuttering so much and I felt bad for him so I let him have another one of the item and didn’t charge him for the broken one. I kept that a secret from my uncle. He thanked me a lot and said that he needed to repay me somehow. I refused the offer and since there were no other customers, he began to talk to me. We got to know each other and became really good friends from that day on. He continued to visit me at the store and we hung out a lot. So yeah, that’s how it all started”. He explained. I began to laugh.

“That was really nice of you not to charge him”. I said.

“Well he made my day. I was even scared of him at first because of his punk-like appearance, so seeing him in a state like that made me laugh”. He replied. I nodded in understanding. Then there was a moment of silence. We looked at each other for a while.

“You’re so beautiful (y/n)”. He whispered as he put his hand behind my head.

“Oh stop it, you’re too much”. I cooed. He drew his head towards mine and began to kiss me. The kiss went from slow and sweet to rough and lustful. I positioned myself on top of his lap without breaking the kiss. He wrapped his hands around my waist tightly and pulled me closer to him. Just as he was about to remove my shirt, there was a knock at the door.

“Look’s like we’ll have to finish this later”. He groaned. Upon opening the door, we were greeted by a smiling Namjoon.

“What up! It’s been a while”? Namjoon said. Hoseok and I looked at each other.

“Yeah it’s been a while since we’ve spoke”. Hoseok said.

“It’s also been a while since I spoke to my best friend Amy”. I followed. Namjoon’s face immediately lit up a bright red.

“Oh Amy she’s amazing. WAIT AMY!? What...I don’t know about Amy! Why are you bringing her up? Don’t be ridiculous”! Namjoon spurted, obviously lying.

“I was just saying that I haven’t spoken with her for a while. Why’d you get so nervous”? I asked.

“Oh..ok. Yeah, you were just saying”. He replied with a nervous laugh.

“So what are you doing here”? Hoseok asked.

“Well I just came to stop by and say hi, cuz we haven’t spoken for a while so I don’t want you to feel like I abandoned you. Well yeah I gotta go now, that was all”. Namjoon said before speeding off down the halls.

“Yup, they did something together”. I laughed. I looked at the time on my phone.

“Ughhh sorry Oppa I have to go, my parents are gonna be worried”. I sighed.

“We can finish next time, right”? He winked. I nodded.

“Anything that makes you happy”. With that, I left.

When I arrived, my dad looked really satisfied and my mother was very happy.

“Good news”! My mom said hugging me.

“What”!? I asked trying to sound as excited as her.

“We’re moving”! She said. At that moment, I froze.

“What do you mean moving”? I questioned.

“I found a bigger house with a lot more space and rooms than this small apartment”. My dad declared.

“I’d still be able to go to the same school, right”? I asked hopefully. If I wasn’t able to see Hoseok in the comfort of the same apartment building, I would still be able to see him at school.

“Unfortunately, you’ll have to change schools. But you’ll make new friends”. My mom replied.

“How far away is it from here”!? I exclaimed. In that second, I prayed that it wasn’t too far. It was no use.

“It’s about an hour away”. Tears formed in my eyes. I ran to my room. This can’t happen. I won’t see Amy for good. I didn’t want it to end like this. My best friend slowly leaves me for a guy so there’s no meaningful last words. On top of that, I won’t see Hoseok at all. I finally thought I found the one who I would always be with. Then it comes down to this. I stumbled into my room and began to feel dizzy. It wasn’t long before I completely blanked out. This can’t be how it ends.

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