Our Real Bonding Moment

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We were, once again, standing in front of 513.

“Should we get Namjoon to go in with us”? I asked. He was the bravest one after all.

“No, he’ll just be a distraction. Let’s just quickly go in, find your keys, and we’ll run out”. He replied. Feeling only the intention of finding the keys, we quickly entered the apartment without thinking twice.

“What if that old lady shows up”? I asked Hoseok.

“Then we’ll tell her to wait before she terrorizes us”. He laughed. If you think about it that way, it actually takes away the fear. So just making a joke out of the situation makes it a lot easier to stay in here. I searched one half of the living room and Hoseok searched the other. It wasn’t long before I felt something cold poke my arm.

“Hoseok, something’s touching me again”. I said without looking around for anything but the keys.

“I know”. Hoseok whispered in my ear. I jumped a bit.

“Oh! It’s just you. You scared me for a second”. I declared. He held up some keys.

“Are these yours”? He asked. I felt relieved to see them.

“Oh yeah! Thank you”. I replied with a smile.

“Okay let’s get out of here”. He suggested. I was just about to follow him out when I started to feel some pressure being put on my body. Something was holding me down and I couldn’t move.

“What’s wrong”?

“I can’t move”. I explained. Something began touching me in my private areas. I knew it was the ghost and I wasn’t ready to play around anymore. All that was on my mind now was to get out of here.

“It’s touching me”! I yelled in disgust as I began spazzing out.

“Sad to watch you struggle”. He said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and threw me over his shoulder. Then he began to speak to the ghost.

“If you’re lonely, call up a hooker and touch her as much as you want. If you’re too lazy to do that, there’s a strip club a few blocks away that you can terrorize”. He boldly stated. He then carried me out of the apartment and put me down outside.

“Thanks for all your help”. I said praising Hoseok.

“I’ll always be willing to help you, don’t worry about it”. He replied.

        "No one's here, can you tell me now"? I asked desperately. He sighed and then nodded.

        "(y/n), you're a really special friend to me and I've never smiled so much with a girl in my life. I was always told that when the time is right, there will be someone that makes me happy and I can make her happy in return. Do I make you happy"? He asked. I didn't need to think twice about that.

        "No guy has ever made me happy the way you do. They've never even made me smile the way you make me smile". I replied.

        "I like having you as a friend, but I see you as someone I can be more than friends with. I see you as my little sister. I will always be there to protect you". He confessed. My face grew warm and I've never felt happier to be called someone's little sister.

        "And you're my Oppa". I returned with a smile. He held out his arms offering a hug and I gladly jumped into his arms. He embraced me tightly, the best hug I've ever had. We then rushed back downstairs.

        "See you tomorrow little sister". He said before leaving. I had made it just in time before my parents returned.

“I told you not to go to bed too late”. My mom laughed when she saw me casually sitting on the couch. She kissed me on the forehead.

“So who were the friends that you guys went out with”? I asked them.

“Just a few doors down from here, some people that recently moved in. They have a son around your age and he goes to the same school as you”. My dad explained. I just smiled and nodded. I knew they were talking about Hoseok. I washed up in the bathroom and then went to bed. I gotta admit, today was scary, but at the same time, I really enjoyed my time with Hoseok. I won't ever forget that hug. I think this day could mark our friendship as a special bonding moment for the two of us.

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