Amy and Namjoon

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******2 week later******


It’s been two weeks since Hoseok and I have been dating. I’ve never felt so happy in my entire life. He’s the best thing that’s happened to me and I regret nothing for falling in love with him. Although I’m as happy as I can ever be, I’m concerned about Amy. Ever since I let her see Namjoon, she has been acting differently. Namjoon is all she thinks about and she’s even been ditching school just to see him. We rarely talk or even see each other. I don’t even know if she’s dating him or they’re just that good of friends. Today, I got my answer.

Late in the afternoon, when I was alone, I was leaving the building to go pick up something at a store nearby for my mother, I saw Amy and Namjoon together, and they were standing quite close to each other. He was leaning against a wall holding her waist and she was leaning on him. I’ve had enough of this, I don’t want to lose my best friend. I stood by the corner where they wouldn’t see me and began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“I love you Namjoon. I’m so happy that (y/n) brought us together again”. Amy said to him. Well at least she still remembers my name. With our communication lately, I feel as if she’s completely forgot about my existence.

“I love you too, I don’t want you to ever leave me”. He said to her. Well they’re a cute couple and all but I just don’t like how she spends no time with me.

“Let’s go to my apartment and finish this”. Namjoon suggested. They walked away holding hands. I had nothing to be jealous of, I had Hoseok and he was all that I needed. I just smiled to myself. Love is a beautiful thing. I guess when there’s love, sometimes it’s hard for some people to think about friends. I had my love and she has hers, I want to let her be but on the inside, I really miss my best friend.

I continued off to the store and returned in almost no time. On my way to my apartment, I ran into Hoseok.

“Hey Jagi~”. He greeted happily and kissed me on my forehead.

“Did you know that Namjoon and Amy were dating”? I asked.

“It was bound to happen someday. They were so happy the first time they saw each other in a while”. He stated.

“But I was just worried because we don’t even talk anymore. She’s rarely around. And today I saw Namjoon and her going to his apartment. She spends so much time with him”. I pouted. Hoseok rubbed my head.

“Well we’re like that, aren’t we? And besides, that’s what love does. Don’t worry, she’s not avoiding you, she just wants to be with her love. Namjoon and I don’t really talk much anymore and I didn’t really mind because I have you”. He smiled. It made me happy to know that he felt this way and he knows how to comfort me.

“Thanks for the comfort. I don’t know what I would do without you”. I said whilst giving him a big hug.

“We should go see if they’re still there. If it makes you feel better. Plus I would also like to know what’s really going on”. He suggested. I nodded. I rushed to my apartment and dropped off my mom’s things. Then, Hoseok and I headed upstairs to Namjoon’s.

We had finally arrived. Just as I was about to knock on the door, I could hear slight noises coming from behind it.

“Hey what’s that noise”? I said. Hoseok and I pressed our ears up against the door and it took a while before we could fully make out what the sounds were.

“Are they..doing what I think they’re doing”? Hoseok asked. I didn’t want to believe it. When I was about to suggest it was Namjoon’s parents, I heard Amy moaning his name.

“They can’t be having sex”! I exclaimed. Hoseok quickly covered my mouth with his hand.

“Jagi not so loud. They might hear”. He squeaked. It was clear, they weren’t just making out, there was enough proof in the words and sounds being emitted to show that they were having sex.

“Let’s go” Hoseok said taking my hand. I followed him and we went to his place.

“Well it’s not our business so I guess I shouldn’t worry. I just hope they’re using a condom”. I sighed.

“I know Namjoon, he does some pretty stupid things but he would never have sex with someone he’s not married to without a condom”. Hoseok explained. I just can’t believe that someone as innocent as Amy would be up for something as sinful as that. And she’s 16, isn’t she too young. Were these her intentions when she saw Namjoon? I don’t even know if I should be concerned or not. If I tell her to avoid Namjoon she’ll just roll her eyes and tell me that everything’s okay. Judging by how happy she was when she heard me mention his name that day, I think this might be the case.

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