Who Are You?

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Amy and Namjoon dragged me away from him so that they can let him rest. They seemed to be positive that he would wake up and be okay. Something in the back of mind told me otherwise.

I cried by his bedroom door. Namjoon watched over him in the room and Amy consulted me outside.

“We’ll just have to let him rest. His parents work at night now and they’ll be back in the morning. We can’t just take him anywhere without their permission. You’ll just have to calm down (y/n)”. She lectured.

“Calm down? How can I calm down when my whole life is falling apart”!? I cried. Amy embraced me and continued to comfort me until I finally regained sanity.

Namjoon finally came out of the room. I immediately sat up to hear what he had to say.

“It’s okay now, he has a pulse but just isn’t waking up yet”. He explained.

“Can I at least sit by his side, alone”? I asked. Namjoon nodded and waited in the living room with Amy.

I closed the bedroom door and sat beside Hoseok. I checked his pulse then looked at his sleeping face. He’s so perfect. He’s all that I ever want and need. He loved me for me, someone like that is so hard to find. I sat on the edge of the bed and faced away from him to avoid crying again.

It’s been an hour so far, I refused to fall asleep. Finally, I felt the bed move behind me. I turned to see Hoseok, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. I was so excited that I immediately hugged him.

“Thank god you’re okay! Don’t ever scare me like that again. I love you so much”! I exclaimed in happiness. Something was different. He didn’t wrap his arms around my waist and pull me close like he used to, he didn’t smile and pinch my cheeks like he used to.

“Who are you, and what are you doing in my room”?


Sorry it's so short ^^. I'll try to make the next chapter longer

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